[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I won’t vote until AT gets back

Two people were occupied–mole and whysper

Socially arbiter is probably just mole, but mechanically it could also be whysper.

Unless champion is occ-immune lemme go check

Magnus confirmed that Mole was jailed N2 earlier.
Besides Moleland disappearing from the thread after 2 HoB deaths is probably no coincidence.
Whysper can’t be starting HoB because they have a confirmed redirect on PK to Wazza.

wait tbe bled out?
i thought it was intensify that bled out
i can’t keep up with anything going on

Both TBE and Intensify bled out n2.

Ooohh yeaaaahh…

Forgot about that bit. I don’t remember whether there were any other possibilities abiut N1 kills but yeah.

so wait
where was the nightkill

There were no factional night kills.
Moleland was jailed and there was no Heroine to carry out BD night kills N2.

Summary of bleeds:

Vulgard bled by BD/HoB
Intensify bled by Surge-Poacher
TBE bled by BD/HoB

Vulgard healed by cent

Wazza bled by HoB

Wazza bleed delayed by ash
Ash bled by crusader

Alice bled by BD

It likely is Mole at this point. The question is where is the Visionary

Good call Ash

It’s possible that N.1 is the visionary, but I don’t think they are. They sound genuine in my opinion. What we are left with is the question of where is the Visionary. I also give up on making a complete readlist

Lets start by going with who can’t be starting Visionary by social and mechanical confirmation.
Myself because N.1 and I checked L1ght who tailored himself.
Wazza because he killed 2 wolves as an Unseen killer class.
Whysper because he has a successful redirection which helped Wazza kill Heroine.
Leafia socially.
Surge because he is proven starting poacher.
Vulgard as he is socially Unseen and my slot greenchecked him as Unseen.
Zone is Duke.
Magnus is Torturer.
ATNoName is King obviously
Probably Gorta can be ruled out 1 way or the other.
Alice is never starting Visionary based on her interaction with Insanity.
Italy brought Centuries back to life as confirmed town.
Ditto for Centuries.

Those are all the slots who I can safely say aren’t starting Visionary.
The rest I haven’t mentioned are in Visionary PoE.

Ash can always just transfer their death to N.1 anytime.
So N.1 is resolving one way or the other.

Moleland is obviously dying D3 and is in all probability the last HoB so they’re eliminated from consideration as Visionary.

Why are you clearing Vul for the greencheck? The Visionary is like a GF in that regard

I think Vulgard is starting town as well, but I don’t think he should be cleared for a greencheck

Wait a minute, Derps has confirmed occupations correct?
Then he is never starting visionary.

On whysper I think or so he claims

If Vulgard is BD, then he can only ever be starting Visionary according to my greencheck.
Though are we to believe he would bus both of his scum mates this early in the game as Visionary?

If Derps is a convert, then he won’t be able to occupy anyone anymore.
I think we should ask Derps who he occupied N3 if he is still alive D4.