[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

No, he’s mocking because I pointed out that his TR’s were players who claimed to be bled while he gave SDA, the only non-bled player, as a counterexample.

Point is, his reads feel fairly fake as a villager would be able to get more villa pings in almost 700 posts rather than using bleed claims as a basis.

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You can’t sense sarcasm can you?

What are you on about? That’s just part of my read towards them and the read I stated in the post.

You’re acting like I’m not missing out things despite the fact I literally put 7/25 other players in my ‘readslist’

This is the internet, sarcasm is almost unable to be detected sometimes.

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A little worked up for moment, but nah once I did ISO quick there’s none of that.

And yet the reasons why they’re there are fairly vague.

Just because I didn’t state all my reads doesn’t mean I don’t have them.

I’m not posting a full readslist because to be frank, I’m not being called out on how ‘bad they are’ despite the fact it happens in literally every game

And you’re literally doing it right now.

this game is going to be chaos to read
i can already feel it



i think this is v

I like making early reads, but their mainly based off gut and once I have a gut read you either have to back it up with stuff you dont really have or change it; this is what happened during like half JoAT9 for me and I think ash is having the same thing

I dont want to put too much stock into a read like this but ash v for now

For the 9001st time, I read people based on how they formed their reads.

If you’re V, then you’ll need to post reads and the explanations behind them to get out of my PoE.

I don’t mean to be rude, but…how didn’t you tell it was me being sarcastic?

Because I’m not bothering to full explain things. Your reads are your reads.

I’m not convincing someone day 1, more than likely I won’t even place a vote by the end of the day.

“I dont read meta”

honestly I respect that.

I literally posted an entire post based on what pinged me about every single post I read during the course of the game.

because you literally claimed something in mechanics happened that we didn’t pick up on

Some things are much better not explained, now hush

that turned out to be not real, i should mention

You’re literally stating you won’t play D1. How the fuck do you expect to be cleared if you’re town by doing this?

A lot of the points here are just IIoA. They do nothing to further the game aside from clogging the thread and make the poster look like they’re contributing.


What’s IIoA again?

I literally didn’t even state that it happened.

I can’t see how you can’t see that as not being sarcastic? I literally stated ‘Ah yes, because SDA claimed a bleed’ on the topic of where Alice said all my townreads were about bleeds (Granted I knew what she meant, but I was just messing around)

Exactly like my JOAT^2 game. Which might I add, worked. I’m playing the game like I play every game but as stated in my post which you quoted below your own, I stated I am going to play. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to convince others to my viewpoints D1 or vote people D1. That’s not how I play nor how I will play.

First of all, what is IloA?
Second of all, because the thread is all over the place, I have trouble reading things when the topic changes every two seconds with the amount of vanity wagons, it confuses me so much.

Information instead of analysis

‘Intensify has a team rocket pfp’ is IIoA

‘Intensify’s team rocket pfp is too bold for scum to do, prob town’ is analysis

not that pfps are actually AI and im p sure its angleshooting