[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Original Member*

Because Bounty and it was obv nobody was going to attack me.

Also the point of Whysper does stand. I was bled so Whysper canā€™t be the Visionary as Derps would have prevented him from converting.

Mole would know because of Imperial Judgment that doubles as a watcher action. Soul would use it on Vulgard and the result would be posted on HoB chat.

Where are you going with this?

The Visionary? Why exactly would you base him for?

What was your tinfoil in the first place?

So what was the order of claim?
ā€“if Mole went either second or third, then I can leave that topic as solved.

ā€¦hey, why donā€™t you use Court Spies again Today?

ā€¦well, okay. I got that part solved, but the problem is that you technically could still be Visionary.
Emphasis on technically. I want to have gorta dead first before I let my paranoia take over.

Apparently nowhere. If Mole ā€œconfirmsā€ Derps occā€™ing Vul N1 instead of ā€œbeing the first to say itā€ then he was just bluffing the ā€œconfirmationā€.

Imagine me not killing all your targets. :^)

I donā€™t think itā€™d be that productive as the lynchā€™s basically on the Arbiter. I used it on Insanity so his team would not be able to coordinate with themselves after my push, which is why I think that Insanity just kept pushing me as his wolfteam couldnā€™t tell him to back off.

If people are so paranoid then ash could let me die. By d5 we should pretty much have sealed the game and I donā€™t have any more bounties to use rn.

Actually Mole confirmed it before Vulgard so he was guessing whether Derps was lying or not which he guessed correctly. Wouldā€™ve been different if Mole claimed it before

Post #6049

Post #6089

The issue now is Mole not knowing Ash visited Vul N1 also

Hmā€¦ Fair point.

Oh. Okay. --can we jail ash4fun after all then?
Since Magnusā€™ jail canā€™t occ the occ-immune and all?

This is all I need to have my confusion on Mole removed.

If Iā€™m visionary, Iā€™m not occ-immune.
Mole is 100% arbiter so I canā€™t be that.
ig if Iā€™m heroine I would be occ-immune.

So ig if you have vis suspect and convert suspect, you jail the convert and magnus jails vis?

Yeah I saw that too. I just didnā€™t mention it dingus

Do not jail ash, if you do wazza is guaranteed to die to bleed

wazzaā€™s already delayed to N5

Mole is a :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:

oh he is, nvm


Imagine giving invest results but not all of themā€¦

Imagine not wanting to out people for no reason