[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


Uhā€¦ sure. You do you, I suppose.

ā€¦actually, this is a good point.
Assuming Magnus didnā€™t get converted, then nobody can visit me, and I still get to jail Italy.

Where else? If I recall correctly I am next in said PoE, so do I shoot myself?

no of course not

find someone you donā€™t trust that isnā€™t mechanically confirmed, and shoot them

The ones I donā€™t trust me most on a gut level are Alice, Whysper, and maybe Ash

The issue is most of the PoE are probably town here (and itā€™s a small PoE) and the actual wolves are getting miscleared. If I did a hero shot I would only get crap for it post game, so I am kind of at a loss here. If I donā€™t do something I always die in the noose tomorrow and let the wolves get away again.

Just shoot Leafia if you want to shoot yourself.
If you die and she doesnā€™t, then we can confirm she is still a Marauder.

We donā€™t shoot Alice because we socially read her as town ā€¦and because we will eventually execute her anyways if she lives too long.
We donā€™t shoot ash4fun because he resolves himself if Wazza lives Tonight and if N.1 dies Tonight.

ā€¦dunno about Whysper. Suit yourself if you want to shoot him.

if i die, ash is confirmed not starting scum

i will receive info tonight that will either confirm or condemn whysper, however the living will never receive it unless italy survives unconverted into d5, which is a big if

Elaborate how, because I am VERY interested in how they would do that.

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@Alice, any opinion on this?

O, thatā€™d be pretty good, tbh.

that sounds like a good idea tbh.

Literally no players have been cleared from being starting wolf socially.

Actually I got a good idea.

I donā€™t know who to shoot at this point

The current starting BD PoE is me/N.1/Ash in Aliceā€™s world. I always flip town, I think N.1 flips town (thereā€™s no way the BD calls for death like that), and Ash (which has potential to be the starting BD) Therefore unless Ash flips BD then someone is getting miscleared

@an_gorta_pratai Shoot Whysper tonight.
@Whysper redirect Gorta towards someone in the PoE tonight if youā€™re still good.


Whysper can only redirect if they arenā€™t converted so, poggers.


That actually works

I donā€™t think starting Visionary canā€™t either

@Magnus jail Zone tonight