[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

But we already know that unless the visionary is exactly alice, heroine was converted N2.

This is implying that they converted N1 which isnā€™t possible.

This was supposed to be an RT of sorts kinda-sorta.

I think visionary answers different from town but idk what the difference is :man_shrugging:

Those are a meme and try to understand what I am saying here.

Yes, I saw posts earlier talking about the possibility of Vis not converting N2, which doesnā€™t make any sense. Itā€™s one of the primary reasons behind the convert Leafia argument/Visionary me argument

You know what. I think I believe that BD missed both converts.

The Visionary would give you a PoE of people to burn through

Wait! If that was the case then how in the hell was Alice bled?

Exactly what Iā€™m figuring out.

Heres an easier way to decide if BD missed converts, we find visionary

This is physically the only way I see it possible. But then that just brings back the Heroine which Iā€™m thinking doesnā€™t exist aaaaa

This is something that I agree with honestly.

Itā€™ll be wonderful if thatā€™s the case.

There are two options:

Alice is visionary and fucking with us
Alice is actually bled -> unseen

Yeah, I was just about to quote that. I think that requires the Heroine to already exist. But I still think we do have to think through the possibility that there was a convert N2 and then this was used to swap roles.

I believe the only player that Heroine wouldā€™ve attacked wouldā€™ve been Vulgard last night.

Avenge Day seems to require a BD as the target.

oh yeah, even if Visionary dies, Heroine will still become visionary. its just that Heroine is the last priority

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So why donā€™t we yeet Alice today and if theyā€™re not Visionary, yeet Gorta tomorrow?

Haha, this is why I still suspect Leafia. Sheā€™s trying to get Gorta out of the execution. Why not do this the other way around?

Vulgard doesnā€™t really make sense for a BD kill. Zone makes the most sense I think.