[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

People have the right to not be pre-flipped without being evaluated again. It’s the worst thing when people do that to you, which is why I want to hear people out

That makes sense.

The only reason we are in this situation and suspecting me is because Gorta conveniently forgot to do his night action within 24 hours. And somehow I would have been counting on him forgetting so that I had another day.

I am trying to solve this game and I found your post odd and brought it up, don’t think I am trying to deflect. You never answered my question. Why were you afraid of dying when you were supposed to be redirecting my shot? You wouldn’t die!

Then why were you surprised to be alive at the start of today?

Another day for what?

I was not afraid of dying. You are just saying that.

You aren’t answering my questions. I am just reading into your post.

And also this same scenario occured to me in FOL28 with Frost and guess what? he flipped town.

I have indeed been answering by saying you read that wrong and are trying to confuse the issue.

Then tell us what you meant by it.

I want you to explain your post right now if I am reading it wrong

You are implying that I was BD and planned for you to forget about your night action so that I could live another day

I already explained that I was saying that it was obvious from my being alive that you are scum

I don’t think that’s the case. I think he’s reading it as you being surprised that you’re still alive which is how I’m reading it too.

How? I wouldn’t have killed you

Well that’s unfortunate that my humor was misread either accidentally or intentionally

You being alive is not good evidence? you claimed to redirect gorta to leafia, so you should’ve been surprised Gorta isn’t dead to Leafia counter.

So there weren’t 3 bleeds from the BD before Alice was bled?

How is it impossible for you and Gorta to both be town?