[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Is that simply meta?


Will you stay to answer a few questions, or are you just heading to bed now?

I see

I donā€™t think it really changes my read but guess iā€™ll keep it in some deep part of my mind and never remember it ever

Maybe make them more of a book post and seperate it by content?

I never TR anyone for those types of posts. I think I TR the person who first did it, but it has become so NAI ever since

There comes a point in time that you have to read the king and make a decision on if you think the king if good. cough cough FoL 29 cough cough

Why would they bleed so early?

Can we not vote the king this soon? We need the gscum out first

Can you tell me why that is?

Vulgard is kind of an obvious wolf, as we can tell from the last FoL. Vul might have improved though

and itā€™s likely we will see wolves bleeding wolves this time around

I think Italy is likely town. I know meta = bad, but thatā€™s a snapread that I can make with some confidence

Exactly this, we have 2 scum factions in this game, so we shouldnā€™t hand out credit willy nilly for executing wolves or getting bled. We need social reads people because mechanics wonā€™t win us this game

You are a player that can be metaread somewhat easily, so people being paranoid and doing metareads on you isnā€™t the worst thing in the world.

Why canā€™t we explain our votes?


You have done that yourself Anakin!

Can you explain your reads?

/Vote Vul

I think at first glance

Gortaā€™s catchup is okay

rand v<

idk how to do proper sentences

I am catching up but am at this post atm.
I like how it is a quick summary and how Wazza follows it up with reads.
This is likely from a V!Wazza perspective.

I did explain that, you missed that I believe.

Also I am going to bed.


Well so far I donā€™t think anyone has particularly pointed to Wazza as scum and chances are heā€™s not. Though maybe you are now pointing at him. :smile:

And itā€™s not about giving up control. I know my limitations at this point and Iā€™m just choosing where to look for better advice. And Iā€™m not locked on just him. Iā€™m mostly looking at good summaries of the overall situation.

As for Cent, I guess I donā€™t particularly think heā€™s wolf. More an impulse to just get him back for voting me. Haha. :smile: He may have just been picking on me as a newbie. Haha. I doubt Iā€™ll actually vote for him though.

@Wazza Same for you. Itā€™s one post above my vote.

Now adieu.

For the last time can people read my posts and specifically see I explained them as much as I wanted to at this point.

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I donā€™t belive vuls bleeding claim

stealing my culture wtf

Iā€™ll believe Vulā€™s bleed claim depending on how I read him by like

tomorrow or whatever

I should have spoilered that, but I want to see people explaining their reads (and votes) better, letā€™s use terms like bd/bd and HoB/HoB (it should be less confusing), and make better social reads because social reads will win us this game. @ATNoName donā€™t use your conversion blockers n1 if they canā€™t convert n1

I might have, but that was more of a general statement

again it was a general statement, but I will check it out when I get the chance

Breaks over pce

I wanna sleep

I also donā€™t wanna like

not have anyone interact with you

  • Who is someone youā€™ve read many posts of, but are stll conflicted upon read wise
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you can do that but Iā€™ll tell you now itā€™s not very good.

Anyway, goodnight.