[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Frost. Is. Literally. Dying. To. Seth. Overnight.

why donā€™t you case me socially? I have asked that you do that several times and I really donā€™t want to die due to your bs reasoning

I want to get a decent amount of sleep before casing converts

and I was one of the few people to put a spotlight on that slot while people like you and wazza were going ā€œgOrTa mUSt bE ThE ViSionARYā€

Wowee I guess gorta must really be a wolf here, letā€™s execute one of the few people with town KP left. Maybe next game I wonā€™t even try if this is what my effort gets me

Welp, you better do so, you have the rest of the day to prove your case.

One little slip up and I guess thatā€™s it. I try not to heroshot n1, I make a safe shot n2, and n3 I get occupied taking care of my lawn and forget, but gorta must definitely be a wolf. You can screw right off with that rhetoric

Yes I know, from Soul.

I think I got mod error from host

So yeah at least you are on same page on why I didnt got my Vom Tach on N.1

Which is partly I am pissed at the moment

you arenā€™t informed if you get a use.

Actually yes I do

You do?

Hey. Who should Magnus jail tonight?

Yes, when I attacked Soulshade, assuming I successfully attacked Soul then I get 1 use of Vom Tach

I am more pissed why I didnā€™t get 1 from N.1 and I am actually not immune to occupy and redirection, using Mittelhau I am immune to all redirected attacks.

If everyone is so damn set on executing one of the last few functioning town vigs then go right ahead, but at least wait out the 48 hour day so we can find the convert and win this game even if people are denser than a log here. I donā€™t want peoples tunnel vision to lose us this game

Sob story I am sure

uhhhh, jail someone occ immune and town

tl;dr - mechanically everyone except you/Frost/Whysper are cleared from being the Visionary, and Iā€™m townreading Whysper and Frost has been more villagery than you.

Whysper is new to FoL and would probably not claim something as convulted as OoEā€™ing PK, plus PK targeting Wazza confirms that his redirection immunity was bypassed as no wolf would kill Wazza n1.

Frost has just been more villagery than you here actually chasing his wolfreads and whatnot.

So in short, youā€™re the most likely person to be the Visionary. Itā€™s literally what a PoE is. ā€œI didnā€™t do anything wolfyā€ is not a defense when everyone else is mech-cleared or has been more villagery than you.

And before you claimed to be convert hunting. Again, you have not been wolfhunting this match, just trying to save your own hide.

Because your kill last night confirms you? Oh wait.

Your entire argument here is that you forgot to vig someone last night, so youā€™ll need us to let you live into a convert night while letting you action and potentially netting you another convert.

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There is no way I know TBE is Alcoholic that have happy hourā€™d Soul

Whysper fits the bill. Not that sure about Derps rn as heā€™s still in my convert pool.