[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

He didn’t heroshot N1. Nice.
He killed a scum along with other people N2. Unfortunately not confirmable.

He missed his action N3? Well too bad. That was his only window to prove himself.

AtE like “next time I won’t try” is shit. It’s literal shit that comes from human rear. I don’t care what stupid shit he will say or what his past actions were: He missed his window to be resolved, and now he will pay the price.

that’s rich coming from you, mister “how can you believe what scum say i’m going to just ignore every part of the argument that doesn’t favor me”

Good lord what a waste of slot can’t even consider re-evaulate

Gorta can only be visionary because being converted would even more ???. If Italy is saying that Frost is visionary, then we have to reconsider everything.

@Italy @Frostwolf103
Stop clogging the thread.
Italy, mute Frost and help me strategize since Alice isn’t available at the moment.


–and you lost me there.
I don’t care what your reasoning is.
We exe gorta Today.
End of story.

it’s most likely that scum don’t have CtA ready right now
magnus jails me, you jail frost, we execute gorta

I am done with his shit, it pisses me more speaking like that.

I am not unreasonable but try more loopholes to exploit if he can.

Good, but what’s next?
Cent will attack Derps and Derps will occ Cent to solve himself. What about Alice and Whysper?

Who else have we not yet mentioned?


Wazza said he had a plan involving Cent and Italy.

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Let’s see… We let Surge be Surge, and ash4fun… can delay my bleed, I suppose.

Yes okay, it can still resolve the slot

Either @Wazza comes up and tells us what that plan is, or we ignore that plan entirely.

Ah yes, because my plan of killing Light N2 failed now didn’t it?

derps has a double occ, right?

If I publicly state my plan, it becomes useless.

He used it.

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I’m fine with this plan.

Derps used it because he panicked.

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This doesn’t contradict my plan, go ahead, this works.