[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Unlikely admittedly but possible.

its a poacher claim. Almost impossible to mechconfirm aside from bleed.

paired bleeds are kind of an instant confirm

So Leafia was clearly informed they lost their abilities whichā€¦I donā€™t want to say confirms them, but I feel like it confirms them enough for me to move suspicion from them.

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exactly, thats what they could be aiming for.

It fits too, because then Alice could fake her bleed and still have the heroine bleed someone.

Yeah, that kinda fits which makes me suspect Surge.

Either way, Alice is always the lynch today.

/unvote because I need Zone here.

What I think we should do Iā€™d yeet Alice today and have Zone jail Surge tonight. Then tomorrow we yeet Surge and hope for the best.

Heh, Leafia. Wouldnā€™t it be funny if I told you that you slipped up again?

Just let me know if thereā€™s another night action I can do for another confirmation attempt.

Yup. Zone can confirm that I was jailed.

I socially read Leafia and Whysper as town.

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A real Marauder wouldā€™ve contradicted what I said:

You arenā€™t informed if you lose your abilities at all, you can ask the host for this as well.

Leafia didnā€™t contradict what I said by saying ā€˜Oh I wasnā€™t informedā€™ or anything like a real Marauder wouldā€™ve. Get out of here, Iā€™m positive youā€™re the convert now.

@Zone_Q11 Get here.

o wait, class swap.

we already know about that,

What? Why wasnā€™t I tagged before?

Iā€™m not sure I follow this completely, but sounds like you played a nice trick. :grinning:

Because you donā€™t have the thread on watching.