[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Nah he isn’t mech confirmed, kill him tonight!

Praises because lots of you did really well this game and I’m proud of y’all:



  • God damn you removed yourself from my radar more than once. After N2 Allies I instantly suspected you and as we saw during D4, you were going to be the execution if you didn’t claim bleeding D2. That was the gamer move that saved the game for you.


  • While the last day should’ve caused you guys to lose, your guilttripping tactics caught me off-guard, and I’m a softie at some points for things like this and it got to me. After Whysper voted Surge, my dumbass brain thought we had 10 players and thus we were in a winnable scenario.



  • Despite it being your first game, you stood out to me as an obvious town, especially with your offer to pocket, while on the last day my brain was on overrun and trying to figure out any possible solution to try and win the game for us all after that. I’m proud of you and despite all the obstacles and everything going wrong for your first game, you still played extremely well, I’m glad you’re here on the forums and you’re a positive influence, especially on me during this game when you convinced me to stop being toxic at some points by accident. Thank you for being here, and I’m glad you’ve joined us.


  • While your inactivity did indeed annoy me, you clearly fought until the end and even though we kept telling you to give up and that your slot can’t be saved, you didn’t stop trying to fight to avoid the mislynch, I can respect that a lot and despite your accident damning you even more, I can’t stand to have felt like we were doing something wrong when you were defending yourself.


  • You became a very obvious town early on in everyone’s eyes and while I was fooled by Alice’s and Leafia’s coup N3 in Allies, I don’t regret anything. I’m glad you played with us as you helped us out a lot with confirming players.


  • For every god damn allies, your solving was immaculate. I can’t deny that you helped me a lot and you became such a very obvious Unseen King to me when I first entered Allies, which told me that Alice was scum because her reaction was completely different to mine. Not to mention your solving with me during the allies and helping me figure out a nightplan that would’ve brought Unseen towards a victory. Thanks for being a great help towards Unseens win.


  • Your N2 sudden save on me was what got you confirmed and me confirmed as not-Convert which was excellent just based on your singular action. While I’m annoyed with your final night action and most of that is my fault, I’m glad you played with us in this game because without you, you wouldn’t have came up with good ideas that would’ve helped Town win.


  • While they were in allies with me, Centuries and ATNoName, they helped us clear up so many things along with confirming SDA quite quickly (Which people didn’t really believe which was pretty annoying). Your easy confirmation was also nice additionally with your pretty small solving you did with us.


  • Mainly reasons attached to the Italy reasoning, but that allies chat you had with us and helping us solve things was honestly a big help and would’ve caused us to win if I actually stuck to it all instead of going on my own accord.

Gg, all of you. I would give more praises but these are the main people I need to give a praise to. Thank you for all playing. :slight_smile:


I’m gonna enter just to ITA anyone who gets townlocked


It’s unkillable early
If it hits scum its just unkillable
If you do try and kill it you die
If it misses it… millerizes the corpse
If it misses it keeps Carnage and gets another night of it

D1 reads…

not that great. :man_shrugging:

They served their purpose tho, getting me a starting point.

Marauder is probably the most OP Unseen class ignoring PRs when played like how I played it.


I managed to gain myself night immunity so early on.

marauder is absolutely ridiculous

That was one of the first TK classes I designed, so yeah.

Marauder was broken af. Not to mention the class wording just…

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I had to ask Amelia I think 20 questions over the course of the game.

“wait, so who do i millerize?”

“Does Carnage get disabled”

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Do not fret, the Marauder has been immortalized as a meme in the GI thread :^)

old alice made very good and fun concepts
but was not the best at balance

so why did we add marauder over arcanist again

I’m better at balance, it’s just sometimes you see shit like the Syndicate pop up.


something something Unstoppable Day Arsonist Suicide Bomber Who Can Real Bleed And Fake Bleed Once Per Day And Has Infinite Strongmans, And Activates The Claimvig Once They Die, And Has Both A Rampage And A Conditional ENV


i n f i n i t e u s e s t r o n g m a n a r s o n i s t d a y k a m i k a z e w h o a c t i v a t e s c l a i m v i g o n d e a t h
