[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Big sis would never do that, poka poka.

No, I just love Marin and wanted to jump in the DR:R bandwagon.

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it started because I used the Ayumu pfp then Anstreim memed on me

People here tend to be very bad irt bussing, tbh. A lot of them tend to miss extremely obvious busses while being paranoid of pushes that are blatantly obvious V/W.

Like, my push on Insanity was an obvious bus as it was basically done at the spur-of-the-moment as my original plan was just to distance from him. You can tell that I had TMI regarding Insanity as my read on him never developed and I never moved my vote around as if I was 100% certain that Insanity was a wolf rather than LHF just in the first day.

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I was going to go Ayumu but Amelia had already stolen that from me

Tbh, this bus was not as obvious as mine here as you accidentally failing Ansā€™ RT made it look extremely genuine and unscripted.

alice is fully aware that sheā€™s a hardbusser and i shouldā€™ve noticed it sooner than when the entire deadchat started calling her out as scum that she was claiming to be cleared because of it

I think Marshal puts it well.

When Iā€™m a wolf Iā€™m actively seeking for power as in I want influence and so me asking to be in allies chat is something Iā€™d always do as a wolf while as V I would probably care far less.

I will say this
Insanity hard TMId Alice as W and thatā€™s something you could have picked up on

Mostly everything else was ehhhh in terms of validity until later

I donā€™t know why people didnā€™t. You donā€™t push Alice as scum without a reason because you just lose that argument 9 times out of 10. I said this all game, but no one listened to me

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I donā€™t ever want to be sheeped, but I wish people would listen to me more. I know that I should try to develop more reasoning behind these reads and thatā€™s something that I try to do, but you canā€™t say that my reads arenā€™t somewhat consistent with the people that common this site. I have been saying since d3 that Alice is likely the Visionary, pointed out the bad progression, mentioned Insanityā€™s weird play, and other things, but NO ONE LISTENED. ā€œoThErS aRe TOwNieR thAn yOuā€

For some reason I can consistently read Alice. I know I talked myself down, but I correctly read Alice as the visionary initially

You could have vigged her

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The phrasing you use here is weak and probably why it got discarded
I think the stronger argument would be

ā€œinsanity had absolutely no buildup on the alice read then quickly retracted after being called out for how shitty it was. ergo insanity was likely tmiā€™ing alice as w in his push.ā€

thatā€™s true, but that was me not being super confident in my reads and if I was wrong I would get yelled at post game for hero shotting or some crap like that, even if it would have made us win in that scenario

I donā€™t do well with wording and I never have, but my reads are semi accurate

you can work on wording
itā€™s a skill

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I just have trouble translating my thoughts into words

that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t work on it
I used to suck at public speaking because I choked up whenever I wanted to speak

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I know and I am, but naturally I am the type to only say what I need and nothing more unless I am comfortable around said people