[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

oh no absolutely
i think you were a good villager this game

Which is why people need to cut the ā€œfirst day doesnā€™t matterā€ mentality here, tbh.

First impressions count for a lot in FM and the more time you spend in the PoE, the harder it is to get out of it.


i think italy tried to use deadchat spew too much, but i donā€™t think it actually had much negative impact

other than that, i agree

me somehow being half awake for 90% of the time i spent in thread didnā€™t help at all and it is bold of you to assume i performed well

the filename for this chart is great and I didnā€™t even choose it


the fact the main setup we host here doesnā€™t have a day 1 yeet probably contributes to people having that mentality

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thatā€™s probably because the site is named meta chart

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Was I a good villager this game?



in the mafia chat for tos2

you told us that your townie reaction to getting pushed would be to get angry and kinda use caps

the thing is, now Iā€™m aware that you can do this as scum

so even if you do that, im not sure i can trust you

you had more pelts than any villager so


you were the best villager :upside_down_face:

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i think that the insanity/pk dunk was a joint effort but after that it was you pushing hob mostly and i tagged along

if village plays well alice just gets exed

like eh

alice played well but dunked too many wolves

realistically if village plays well she never wins

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actually what hurted me the most

was that even after fucking my game over

magnus didnt seem to care lmao

this image clearly states that the town in this game cannot play well

okay this is the peak


Village: ā€˜wow I wonder who we should execute, the town leader whoā€™s dunked on five wolves from both scum factions and has been actively solving all game, the person whoā€™s bleeding out regardless of their alignment, or the person with zero pelts who only started seriously solving when under pressure and also begged us to give him a night to self-resolve and then didnā€™t even self-resolveā€™

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I am American, but my schedule is odd to say the least, which means that sometimes I am not on when others are

Social solving always has itā€™s place in a game

I donā€™t have that mentality, but when you have to read through 2k posts to catch up itā€™s kind of hard to play

I knew that would come back to bite me in the rear, but usually I can replicate my town meta somewhat easily. The thing that caught me in that game was semi bad progression. You should be able to find other scum tells from that game though. I can think of a few