[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

caught scum

vote derps or looser

Donā€™t really know?
You didnā€™t say it in the post in which you voted
You did say that you agreed with Aliceā€™s reasoning for voting me

Iā€™m not freakinā€™ out
Iā€™m trying to understand how you think and trying to get a feel of where it comes from

Please read this post:

I know youā€™re intent on tunneling me
But just read it

oh god oh fuck

RVS vote over your comment on N.

Time passes, vote stays there while I poke around ash, Wazza, and Insanity.

Ash starts to look good, your posts improve, Wazza still hasnā€™t done shit, Insanity looks the worst.

Vote shifts to Insanity.

Pretty much how my thought process went.

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In that post Chole is trying to accomplish 3 things.
1)Make people believe a lie from a Non-Game relevant topic for fun
2)Make Leafia Look Bad
3)Make Me seem like an incompetent villager that doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about when he obviously does

Admit your wrong on Chloe!

Read Above Post you two!

This one

Is this going to be another game where I ignore almost everything you say because you refuse to change your mindset

Bro you did almost this exact same thing in JoaT^2

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I swear if you go to convert me tonight Chloe Iā€™ma be triggered.

What does this mean?

Leafia could be scum, like, that is just a factor to consider.
Chloe might not be bad from that.

No comment.


ā€¦thereā€™s no n1 conversionā€¦

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Alice, this has been said to so many people now.
We should just let people figure it out.


Thatā€™s what your hoping right? People treat me as incompetent and someone to ignore? Right? Yeah no.
What reason do I have to change my mindset?
What have you done this game that is more likely to come from a Villager PoV? Because all I see is Null PoV and Wolf PoV so find me something and we will discuss.

Did you read the post they made that I sent you?


Here lemme just
Quote it again

Youā€™re pushing me for lying and saying I donā€™t remember a game
But I wasnā€™t referencing the game youā€™re thinking of
It was a direct reply to you talking about a different game

Read it.
Read the freakin post

Chloe like already explained why it is relevant.
So it is not Non Game relevant.

Oh my bad

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So your saying you pushed Leafia in the JOAT game?