[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Justify reads when you make them, or you’re just wasting everyone’s time.

…so what’s wrong about that?
Why can’t people scumread you based off your small, not-fully-explained readlist that you gave away?

Actually, it started because Insanity denied the world where Surge/Alice is T/T. (P#1210)

What point of "Surge is ******" do you not understand?
Do you truly believe that everyone whom you talk to are as smart as you are?

It may be sarcasm to you, but to me -who can’t read sarcasms and softs that well- it looks like a legitimate bad argument. Are you sure you are not using sarcasm as an excuse?

You’re probably going to say it was sarcasm again, but the situation with Alice/Insanity/You seem more like a huge OMGUS. Technically, and verbally.

Yes, you did. However, my sentence was meant for Insanity to understand why I scumread you.
I fail to see why you quoted me instead of tagging @Insanity instead.

Quite a lot of things that really don’t need explaining.

Firstly, I’m not that smart but thanks.
Secondly, he has scumbuddies who can easily tell him to do something like that.

Ah yes, so you’re going to also say that me saying SDA claimed bleeding, when I didn’t say that at all, isn’t sarcasm also?

How do I seem like the OMGUS when I’m the one who started it all? That makes literally no sense. Did you even read any of it?


please don’t attempt to throw the game. I assure you that there are various ways that you can try to exact your revenge on PKR for however he has wronged you, OOG.

Haha, actually Chloe is the only one of those I haven’t really placed yet, but I’ll go ISO her soon. :slight_smile:

Wazza: I had pretty much placed at the top of my town list. Like I said in an early post, his statements seem reasonable and well thought-out. I was mainly looking to his opinion earlier until I got a better hang of the game and reading people.

Alice: I like her statements and reasoning also. She seems to follow the thinking I’d expect for town. She makes reasonable demands for explanation on reads. I might review her posts again since I’ve seen people doubting her, but so far I’ve placed her as town.

Insanity: I gave my thoughts on him in the post where I voted for Surge. I consider him 2nd on my scum list right after Surge.

I’ll go take a closer look at Chloe…

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seth, please avoid wasteful posts when possible


Anyhow back to ISOing: TBE ISO (was gonna be N.1 but I can’t form opinion around lowposters)


It took him 40-50 posts for him to make a read although this was done at SoD where he wanted people to post so I respect that.

Afterwards, TBE just did some opinion response before we move to this

During this time, Ash hasn’t made any progression until now so I have no opinion on this.

This shows that he is still following his reads which is a good thing for a villager.

How did I miss this? Anyways, I like to not go into great details for anything I say so I have 0 opinion.

and now we get to readlist

Why does this feel like this was made by a wolf? Upon further inspection, the only thing I don’t like is why Alice?

In conclusion: Null and barely on the town side

Not to mention it can be scum bleeding different scum and there is no such thing as SDA bleed, which Wazza put it sarcastically.

Light sounds also white knighty to me, so yeah I view him as scumlean too, Light is good investigation target, although some scum classes are immune to that.

It depends what you ask

That caught my attention he doesn’t want to sheep votes, votes Leafia anyway.

And I left this open for hours oops.

You guessed I am in league with Light and Italy?

That is without any backing evidence

I’m simply not going to buy that explanation unless you have a very good reason for it.

Chloe claimed that her uneasyness in FE was a RT, she was a wolf.

CRich claimed that his snappy tone in Cult was a RT, he was a wolf.

Napoleon claimed his bad push on Frankie in BfA was a RT, he was a wolf.

What did you plan to accomplish with the IIoA?

@Alice, I am interested in your answer to Mole’s question.

You made it clear that it was an IioA post, and she scumreads you for making an IioA post.
…is there something wrong with this? Am I misunderstanding something?

It is not what she wants; it is why she wants.

Not exactly. Using meta as an extra is fine, as long as you don’t solely use it as your main argument.
–which, now that I am reading again, seems to not be the case with you in the first place.

However, you still ignored her counterarguments and went straight to vote her. It was only after you did that, that Alice started to push you.

  • You didn’t respond why Surge/Alice can’t be T/T.
  • You didn’t respond why giving towncred to people during early game is scummy. (Even though I would definitely side with Alice in this one, since this is a subjective matter.)
  • You didn’t bother reading why she had put Wazza as her scumread, and simply kept pushing “Wazza questioned Alice. Alice puts Wazza on her scumread” even though it is actually only part of the truth.

…Chloe mentioned this as well:

Wow. You really only see what you want to see, huh?

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Yes, you did retract it as soon as I began pushing back.

I don’t remember trustuing N.1 and I can’t even remember any of his posts at the moment admittedly.

I think Chloe mean either you or Light or Italy would be her townreads

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After all you have something in common with those two

To show that I’m paying attention in this game for once unlike other games? I wanted to get it established that yes I am going to do things this game since I’m seemingly getting a reputation as a Town who doesn’t want to do things.

I don’t think she thought that it was my intention.
Either way, it’s making me think she’s townie.

tl;dr - your thought process here is pretty much a plinko board.

Literally anyone who’s played at least one game with me knows that I’m the kind of person who tries to build a towncore d1. Again, point to a game where I didn’t build a towncore d1?

I don’t think posting stuff like your first post would stop people from thinking that way

  1. Do not speak in codes.

Again, this is unfair to players who are unable to solve your codes and often gives an unfair advantage to one side. Codewords for various actions are allowed (like communication with a mystic/neighbouriser) in order to hide your claim, but you are not allowed to put all your posts through a Caesar Cypher, for instance.

please don’t break fm rules, intensify

you need to stay away from mech talk. my first post was trying to explain how the game works and say that we need to avoid all of that stuff

halfway in for me now, this is a chore as well. regardless it’s a necessary one since i’ve been out of things for so long, to get a good feel for the game

He hasn’t played in here in a long while, so I don’t think that the entire premise of “W!Insanity would not pick a fight with a very strong villager” holds much ground as I don’t think he’d be familiar with my playstye here.

Which kind of adds back into the question of him claiming that making towncores isn’t my meta. He hasn’t played with me in a long while and clearly hasn’t read any games that I played, so why make that read?