[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Would you mind pointing out which post of Wazza seem reasonable and well thought-out?

Do you happen to remember whose reads she demanded an explanation for?

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I can say for sure that the following two players are null for me, though:

Leafia and Seth: Both of these players play in a way which baffles me all the time. Alice is probably better at distinguishing their good baffles from the bad ones, but I am not. Yes, Leafia is one of the best at being immune to meta analysis, but I donā€™t see her pelt-hunt much in general and attempting to defend herself with self-meta is something I would see her doing regardless of alignment. Hard-self defense as a form of defense doesnā€™t work, people; I learned that lesson the hard way in SFoL 53. Attacks are the only way. As for seth, I havenā€™t played with him in a while, and his style of play baffles me noticeably more than leafia, which means heā€™s probably the hardest player in the game for me to read, even more than Alice.

So heā€™s unqualified? Does that make him wolfy

Hmmm, now that Iā€™ve gone through Chloeā€™s posts, Iā€™m getting a scum vibe. Maybe this is just her personality, but Iā€™m seeing lots of complaining about going through posts. Yet she does a lot of RTs like voting on people with little explanation, then saying she was just checking. So obviously she wants more to go through. Also her push for people to just quickly vote makes me suspect sheā€™s trying to get people to form quick opinions without thinking through much.

Then the whole bleed thing. She seems to be complaining a lot about people discussing it. Iā€™m actually getting a wild thought that maybe Chloe did the bleed just to stir things up. I felt it would be stupid for Vul to fake it so early. And people talk about how the bleeds are useful later and someone wouldnā€™t waste them. But maybe someone like Chloe would use it at the beginning just for checking reactions.

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Okay, maybe Iā€™ll go through Wazza and Alice again for another look and to find those posts.

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A villager tries to solve games. To solve a game by making comparative reads like that you need to see if a player is doing that actions as town as well meanwhile heā€™s basically just BSā€™ing. He doesnā€™t care if his read on me is real and thus is not bothering to solve, which points to him being a likely wolf.

btw for anyone who missed my Allies post. Does anyone agree with the Allies being Alice/Vulgard/TBE?

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I can say that the following is the player that Iā€™m pretty sure I dislike the most so far:

SoulShade: As I pointed out when I went through the first 60% of the thread, he has a propensity for wasting posts referring to mech that is clearly viewable in the OP. He also seems to make reads left and right that he either fails to justify completely, or only justifies in an extremely lazy, weak way.

With that,
/vote SoulShade55r

havent read up cant stay

im bleeding

vulgard to null then

Is 3 bleeds even possible?

Which part of his readlist felt wolfy?

Really? Nothing said about gorta and cheese, who didnā€™t even make 10 posts by the time TBE made that post? Only Alice?

I see. Very well.

Congratulations. You have shown us that you are paying attention. (No sarcasm.)

Isnā€™t it possible that he -like any other human- simply forgot how you once played, and started to spout false information without the intent to do so?

@Alice, respond to this.

  • someone lies
  • they rolled a convert with bleeds
  • town bleed

People who Iā€™m putting in my towncore.

  • Alice
  • Vulgard
  • TBE
  • Surge
  • Intensify
  • Zone
  • Frost
  • Italy

People who are indepedently villagery.

  • SDA
  • Soulshade
  • PKR
  • Whysper
  • Centuries
  • ash

People who Iā€™d rather solve by mech.

  • Leafia
  • Magnus

People Iā€™m conflicted.

  • Moleland
  • N

People who I wouldnā€™t mind dying.

  • gorta
  • Light
  • Chloe
  • Psycho Kang
  • Cloned

People who need to die.

  • Insanity
  • Wazza

either we have a poacher who stupidly wasted a bleed early, we have an alchemist, hunter, and/or surgeon, or someone is lying

thinking n has been consistently villagery
i donā€™t think anything heā€™s posted was in bad faith

I would criticize gorta, but TBE did have some doubt with putting gorta and cloned in the scumread list (which is said by the question marks next to the name)

I would agree on Alice and Vulgard. Not sure on TBE. I was leaning towards town for him, but not sure if there would be someone better.

Why even make a false read like that I donā€™t make towncores then and then repeatedly misrep why Iā€™m SRā€™ing them?

Overall Insanityā€™s play here looks to be more about malice rather than ineptitude.

What is there to make an in-depth analysis right during the start of D1?

Only thing I have to go then is basically tonal reads and the like.