[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Yes, I gave the explanation during the time when I originally voted for Surge. So when it became plausible that Surge might be Poacher, I thought it better to switch to Insanity since he was 2nd in line.

Iā€™ll post my previous explanation here too since it seems to get missed/overlooked. Haha. :grinning:

Haha, itā€™s actually more like I just got busy again. :slight_smile: But going through some posts now. I replied to some other posts about my explanation on Insanity. I can copy it here if you miss it from all those as well. :grinning:

I lean towards Leafia, especially since she claims to have something important to contribute based on her class. You can find out for sure whatā€™s up with that.

its very ā€˜commentary-yā€™

if you said ā€˜I think this is wolfyā€™ or some form of suspicion onto them, even if you dont SR them, some sort of thought on how you perceive the post instead of marking something as ā€˜noteworthyā€™ id accept this as a fine answer

but you never note what this is ā€˜evidenceā€™ for, or show leaning into the direction.

Yeah, Iā€™ve been wondering this myself. I havenā€™t seen good reasons for it.

So the same reason why Alice SRed Insanity.

/vote gorta

meant to be here

nothing there has pinged me as villagery; mech talk, questions, etc, which arent necessarily scummy but he doesnt seem have pushed reads/make alot of them

take this

but then I didnt see his take on leafia, despite this somewhat looking like they disagree

also I think him specifically saying HoB here points to them being specifically HoB

I get that reading this absurdly long thread is difficult but there is ground to work on and I dont see anything

Yes, I recall seeing a post afterwards from Alice with similar thinking and that helped confirm my thoughts. :slight_smile:

I have been sleeping, preparing things to get a job, and eating. I am back now and plan to make reads and such

I havenā€™t even begun to try and solve yet for the reasons stated above, but I am here now

I never said I agree or disagree, but due to the nature of the thread I have had to skim it to keep up with the game. I have missed some things likely and I want to know why you townread Leafia. I have my suspicions about Leafia, but I havenā€™t made a confident read there yet. I only asked that to figure out why you believe what you said

I am going to start with the reads now, so ping me if you need me

Haha, and I actually find this reasoning substantially lacking. Just moving your vote to put pressure here? You try to claim that I only had wolf vibes, yet your reasoning isnā€™t even that. Just no response to read questions, so he becomes top scum? :slight_smile: So even though I agree with your vote on Insanity, Iā€™m kind of wondering why. Will you perhaps be changing it later for the person you really want? :grinning:

There is no response towards the pressure, so I kept my vote until there is someone more scummy than him or he post something towny.

Meanwhile Iā€™m compiling a full readlist of my own.

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Iā€™m eager to see this to help get a better read on you. I just hope it doesnā€™t come too late. Iā€™ve been going back and forth on what to do. Iā€™m truly hoping we have a king on our town side. :slight_smile:

I decided that Leafia would the third ally for the night

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Ahhh, excellent decision!


I canā€™t say much about this slot until I see more from Magnus, but this is null for me. There is towny potential, but I havenā€™t seen much from Magnus.


I really donā€™t like this slot. Cloned has been on the sidelines, posted mostly fluff, and I donā€™t see many villagery posts from the slot. This is a light scum read, but this is a slot that has a chance to bounce back in my opinion. The thing I donā€™t like the most is that Cheese is coasting and seems like he doesnā€™t care.


I put this a light town read, as they have been making reads, trying to keep the thread on track, and their tone is decent. N.1 feels like BotF III N.1 and in my opinion thatā€™s a good thing. I donā€™t know what else to say


Insanityā€™s ISO is just tunnel Alice the ISO. I wish they would really branch out and do more non Alice/Chloe stuff. Like I feel like it would be easier to read them if they werenā€™t just tunneling Alice. My one hangup is does scum go after Alice d1? Itā€™s usually easier to kill or convert Alice to either silence her for good or get her to your side. I put this one a null, but I donā€™t know if this is trending scum or town. Can anyone help me out here?

I will do more later, but this is a sample

The final post will have a full town to wolf scale as well and will be a full read list

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ISO on Centuries, as his slot has been bugging me. Conclusion: Light townlean, a decent bit of content and none of his interactions seemed to be too awkward. I'd like to see some more fleshed out reads, but otherwise this slot is looking good.

Started off as a random vote, evolved based on reactions, which I like.


Doesnā€™t really take a stance here, but still a post I like nonetheless.

I like the early reads, and he also basically just left out the no-posters which is actually a good look imo because it means he actually at the very least looked through the posters

I donā€™t really like this response to Sethā€™s question, although it was a stupid question. This whole interaction between Centuries and Surge is just odd all over.

I donā€™t really remember the context, but this feels more like he was just trying to slap a read on us. I think I was just saying that SDA is an idiot

New take on Leafia, I like it, and it definitely fits with what Leafia had been doing up to that point, and I like the fact that his reads werenā€™t stagnating.

I would like to hear what your thoughts on gorta are now. I know not too much has changed, but Iā€™d still like to hear it.

I would definitely like to hear your case on Frost and Ash, if they are still high PoE for you. Frost, I didnā€™t like, but thatā€™s just because something felt off with a couple of his posts. Overall, his content has been decent.