[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

dw I already let him pocket me.

I think Ash reads are ok tier but can be faked seeing how most of them are 4 quotes long o_O

Iā€™m fine with TLing ash aorn and re-eval later

iā€™m honestly tired of townreading people for idiocy and being correct 90% of the time
can you play more smart as villager please

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when i make this type of read itā€™s correct 90% of the time historically and it really shouldnā€™t be

Despite not being directed towards me, Iā€™m feeling called out.

this is weird, because i have just checked your iso and the only time you mentioned ash was when you referred to his wall of text, which you supposedly ā€œreadā€ but there was no visible conclusion there at the time

now you say heā€™s pocketing you? i donā€™t really understand this progression, feels out of nowhere

It was a joke, Vulgard.

Iā€™ve been making jokes about pockets this entire game.

I donā€™t scumread Insanity

to be fair that is how you read several people

This post was written by a villager

Because that was 24 hours ago

Thatā€™s a good point, Catarshal did that on me In Joat (that was to set up a later bus)

Frostā€™s ISO is really like empty

Most of his early posts is him talking about nothing with SDA

Like none of this has any conclusion?

Thatā€™s the first really voiced TR of his and itā€™s really like, weak tbh

Honestly this bad thinking (not thinking about multiball) is likelier to come from town butā€¦ eh. Iā€™m not really willing to clear this slot from a dumb slip

I think him just talking with his TR is slgihtly good looks but

Heā€™s not really trying to scumhunt or to create a Towncore/reading anyone as town

Are you really now :upside_down_face:

Actually ok thinking

I still hate the lack of concrete conclusion tbh

Another read

meh actual ok reasoning


The fact heā€™s not willing to yeet Light is weird but itā€™s not like overly scummy?

I actually donā€™t really hate the slot, I wouldnā€™t yeet this

Honestly the way he just talks to one person at a time is pretty townie actually lol, still hate the fact he never comes up with conclusions actually

The slot isnā€™t really scumhunting, or looking to create towncores

heā€™s also not an obvious townie

Honestly I could see scum pushing this lol

Uhā€¦ I changed mine back though?

That will ruin on who I am going to visit

Chloe time bc lolvulgardmadeagoodpostabouthersoimlookingtoseeifisharethatthought

Honestly this post is like

I think Vulgard overestimates how scummy Chloe is there

Honestly the one liners calling x scummy is eh

I agree that her not looking to build townreads early is weird

I think this follow up post is better

I think this is fairly true and Iā€™d actually think Chloe is scummy~ish for that

Now we are comparing Chloe to Elephas

This is something I agree with and I do believe Vulgardā€™s play is townie thus I TR him for it

I think this post is town motivated though

I also think the attitude is townie

I think sheā€™s actually looking to create a towncore so I think Vulgardā€™s point is semi invalidated?

ofc afterwards thereā€™s also many posts who are just ā€œoh x has done something I islikeā€

but I still do not think sheā€™s not trying to build any towncore?

I also believe her attitude towards Bleeds is town AI but itā€™s also easily fakeable

This reads as town

I agreed with Vulgardā€™s point and I do not think his push is in bad faith but I think they are both town? Like sure her attitude with handing out ā€œx is doing something i dislikeā€ semi scummy but most of her iso looks townie


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Also lol wallpost, I am going to take a look.

I am more or less keep it to myself, however I speak out on my posts though.