[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

No alarms or any casualties, Fisher.

I want a

:b: C

Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
Vulgard SirDerpsALot 1/14
PokemonKidRyan Zone_Q11, Soulshade55r 2/14
an_gorta_pratai TheBlueElixir 1/14
PsychoKang Moleland, Vulgard, :b:ulit 3/14
Alice Insanity, PokemonKidRyan 2/14
Magnus PsychoKang, Leafia 2/14
Surge Wazza 1/14
Insanity Alice, Surge, ATNoName, Frostwolf103, Whysper, ash4fun 6/14
Soulshade55r N.1 1/14
Wazza Centuries, Italy 2/14

The insanity wagon was being actively discussed, and I lowered my read on them during that discussion/after that vote.

I also didnā€™t want to disrupt the convo by voting them immediately, but now Iā€™m fine with it.

/vote Insanity

Chloe is B

Hmā€¦ very well.

ftr I still want to talk about cwā€™s, donā€™t use my vote as a reason to go ā€œohno theyve got too many we cant overcome thatā€

40+ hours have passed, and if we ignore the vanity and two-man wagons, then we would still have two three-man wagons on PsychoKang and Magnus.
I had hoped for better CWs, but the point is that I think we will be fine when it comes to future VCA.

After the votes on Insanity, do you think he gave up or something?

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Weā€¦ are missing four votes, huh?

gorta, Intensify, Magnus and cheese

ā€“welp, Magnus is asleep, so thatā€™s one person less to think about.

Hello, I am here, and I have read up. It surprisingly took less than 30 minutes. Yeah, Iā€™ve been on Magnus for ages in hopes of pressuring him into doing something, and honestly Iā€™m likeā€¦ 50% sure he saw whoeverā€™s post about how ā€œhe claims a strong pr and dipsā€ and claimed a strong pr and dipped. But, I agree, he shouldnā€™t be the lynch for today.
/unvote @Amelia

You want me to vote?

Looks like so. He doesnā€™t seem to be bothering to push me at all.

Iā€™d think V!Insanity would at least react harder from being pushed like this. Kind of believing Insanityā€™s likely the safest lynch we have atp.

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ā€¦ What?

I donā€™t know about you, but after reading the following posts:

I would be surprised (in a bad way) if he ā€œdoesnā€™t give upā€, seeing as he made it apparent that all he plans to do is tunnel Alice.

I would be lying if I didnā€™t want you to vote. Despite being able to ISO you to find your reads, it is much easier to read your reads through your actions after all.


Why u lurk



Fair enough
/vote FrostWolf

Iā€™m not very satisfied with this slot.

ā€¦the hell, Insanity just liked this post.

So you are saying, he knows hes gonna be town and after he gets yeeted, his flip will make Alice look bad?

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Ooohhh boi. Lolvillage returns