[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

i didnt realize that

Still, I donā€™t believe itā€™s a good defense.

I dont like this

2 teamates in a 26p yes

im actually here now but I think we stick where we are

Why am I reply-quoted with no post of mine, Wazza??

yeah i would like to get healed tonight
i was bled at the very start of the game for some reason
probably ā€œstrong player bleedā€

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me canā€™t be asked to go through thread I dumb

ā€¦ So you are saying

isnā€™t defending Insanity?

Also, Ladies and Gentlemen, hereā€™s Derps number two


Me, TBE and supposedly Vully.

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Iā€™m fine going after PK/Wazza tomorrow with Insanity W.

Gorta looks kind of lost/isolated here. Doesnā€™t look like he has strong associations with Insanity.


is it my internet or did everybody justā€¦stop?

I donā€™t really like the amount of people just going

Ehhh we donā€™t lynch PK

even tho heā€™s been


your internet
reload the page

weā€™re continuing to post
itā€™s your internet



@Insanity gimme like
1 good reason why I should vote PK over you

god are you all playing who has the worst 10 minutes from eod pop in or what

I am voting PK