[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


Insanity paced back and forth in the middle of the courtroom, the crowd around him watching his every step with caution. Hushed whispers could be heard among the members of the court, stopping abruptly as he turned to face them.

“Do you not realize that it cannot be me?” His question was genuine, and several people averted their eyes as he cast his gaze at them. “This is either some elaborate ploy to execute me, or a terrible joke.”

“But you’ve been acting suspicious this whole time, speaking up to only throw accusations left and right!” Someone quipped, several others murmuring in agreement with them.

“It’s almost as if you are planning to undermine us…” A different voice added with suspicion.

“I am planning nothing, please, you have to understand.” Insanity raised his hands defensively, voice and expression utterly sincere.

“The court has decided that it can only be you.” PokemonKidRyan shrugged, stepping forward. “I promise you that if we are wrong, your death won’t be in vain.”

Insanity snapped at that, sincerity fading away from his eyes, replaced with raw, blazing fury. He scowled at PokemonKidRyan: “And you still wonder why people would conspire against you?! You would take my life, content with it only because it’s not yours! Look at yourselves, Unseen – you are all nothing more than a crowd of lowly cowards, thieves, deceivers!”
As soon as he finished his tirade, he grabbed his jagged dagger and rapidly lunged at PokemonKidRyan, yet before he could reach them, he was quickly disarmed and subdued by the royal guards.

“I regret nothing,” he growled as they held him in place, his face twisting into a grimace. “The Blue Dragon will put an end to you and your pathetic oppression and reclaim what was taken from us. This is a promise – a promise that my allies will fulfill in my stead.” He said nothing more as the guards hauled him away, defiant gaze sweeping over the crowd one final time, leaving the rest of them stunned. At the very least, it seemed that their decision was correct…

Insanity has been executed! He was…

The Heroine :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Killer
Hero’s Blessing (Passive) - You are occupy and redirection immune. You keep this passive for as long as you are alive, even if your class changes.
Promotion (Passive) - If the Heroine dies, the oldest non-Visionary member of the Blue Dragon will become the new Heroine, except in the case where there were three members of the BD alive but the Visionary and Heroine die at the same time, in which the remaining member will become a Visionary.
Vengeance (Day) - Your attack will pierce night immunity tonight. - 0 uses, Gains One use for each dead member of the Blue Dragon.
Slit Skin (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Eliminate (Night) - Kill a target player. If they are a member of the Hand of Byzantium you will additionally occupy them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player bypassing any and all forms of immunity and protection. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Defeat the Unseen and the Hand of Byzantium.

Day 1 has ended and Night 1 shall now begin! It will end at 2020-08-11T17:36:00Z. The deadline for submitting night actions is an hour before SoD.


/mindstorm Gaja Ritualist


It was an early hour – the sun had not yet risen on the horizon, although inky darkness of the previous night had already abated, coloring the sky with bluish hues. Amelia and Jane had exited the council chambers, both looking exhausted – they had spent this night discussing the previous day and planning ahead, Insanity’s final words weighing heavily on their minds.
“We should probably get some rest-“ Jane began but abruptly stopped, as Amelia pointed somewhere to the side.
“Do you smell that?” She inquired her former Assassin, taking a step forward. A strong scent of blood wafted from the corridor to the left, and the duo wasted no time in investigating it.

They approached an open door to Adiart’s experimental laboratories, the stench of death intensifying as they stepped closer. Inside, the two of them found Centuries – crammed into the potion room, countless shattered vials showering him in pointed glass shards. Several stab wounds covered his body, but there were no bruises – it seemed that he was taken off guard by surprise.
Immediately alerting the guards and ordering them to sweep the castle, Amelia’s and Jane’s worst suspicions were soon confirmed – another victim was found, this time the horrifying revelation quickly becoming comforting.

PsychoKang’s lifeless form was discovered in the west part of Adiart – down in the dark, decrepit halls. Instead of his usual attire, his body was clad in silver armor, adorned with a long, azure drape. At a first glance, there was no blood or any sign of struggle, and from a distance one could almost assume that he was asleep – though a closer investigation revealed a single, jagged cut on his neck – just like Centuries, whoever attacked PsychoKang did not give him time to retaliate.

In the end, the pair’s hopeful mood was soon soured by a sight of another body – this time most of the Unseen congregation present with them to witness the gruesome scene.
The crowd stumbled upon PokemonKidRyan’s corpse as they gathered in the courtroom – he was strewn across the grand table in the middle, covered in shreds of bloodstained parchment, most letters smudged and completely unintelligible. As the Mastermind would discover later, those were the documents on their enemies that had gone missing only a few days prior.
The most grotesque detail about PKR’s corpse, however, was a single dagger stabbed into his ravaged neck – marshal’s badge hanging from its curved cross-guard, completely coated in blood.

After taking his body away to give it a proper burial, the Unseen gathered in the court once more, their feelings mixed – in the end, they still had to remain vigilant.

Centuries was killed last night! He was…

The Plaguebearer

Unseen Special
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion to use at night. Each potion must be used before the same one can be brewed again. Infinite uses
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed. Infinite uses

  • Truth Potion: Get a player’s class type grouping.
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player. You will be immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player and cure any bleeding they might have. :crown:
  • Volatile Potion: Attack a player. If they are aligned with the Unseen you will commit suicide.

Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.



D1: Health
N1: Vulgard

PokemonKidRyan was killed during the night! He was…

The Marshal :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Investigative
Tireless (Passive) - If you do not perform an action at night, you will learn if any of your previous uses of Expert Investigation and Case Closed showed incorrect results and which ones were incorrect.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige may spawn; including the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class (if the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class has Prestige, their equivalent Unseen class cannot spawn).
Scout (Day) - Your scout will inform you whether a particular player has been visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player that visited your target if so. This ability can detect the visits of the starting Visionary and the Arbiter . - Infinite uses
Peerless Confidant (Day) - Employ your most trusted confidant to keep watch on two players at once tonight. This confidant will tell you if either or both players are visited by a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium tonight and the faction of the player(s) that visited your target(s) if so. This ability can detect the visits of the starting Visionary and the Arbiter .- One use
Expert Investigation (Night) - If a player is a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their faction. - Infinite uses
Case Closed (Night) - Very carefully examine a player tonight. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantium, learn their exact class. This ability can detect the starting Visionary and the Arbiter - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


PKR the Marshal
D1) Scout Zone_Q11. I feel like he will be killed and may actually be innocent.

PsychoKang was killed during the night! He was…

The Heroine :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Killer
Hero’s Blessing (Passive) - You are occupy and redirection immune. You keep this passive for as long as you are alive, even if your class changes.
Promotion (Passive) - If the Heroine dies, the oldest non-Visionary member of the Blue Dragon will become the new Heroine, except in the case where there were three members of the BD alive but the Visionary and Heroine die at the same time, in which the remaining member will become a Visionary.
Vengeance (Day) - Your attack will pierce night immunity tonight. - 0 uses, Gains One use for each dead member of the Blue Dragon.
Slit Skin (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Eliminate (Night) - Kill a target player. If they are a member of the Hand of Byzantium you will additionally occupy them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player bypassing any and all forms of immunity and protection. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Defeat the Unseen and the Hand of Byzantium.


this part is so that people will know that i didnt get burned

Night 1 has ended and Day 2 will now begin! It will end at 2020-08-13T17:44:00Z. With 22 players alive, majority is 12. You may now post.



Wow… damn…



I have to go to bed soon. Already after 1:30 AM here. But just wanted to post my thoughts I wrote up after day 1.

Wow, what suspense for the first day! :slight_smile: Insanity showed his true colors! :slight_smile:

So now Wazza is highly suspicious for his last ditch attempt to make people switch from Insanity with his reasoning that Insanity had no defenders so must be town.

Also, the King definitely appears scum when trying to get people to consider the idea of letting Insanity self-resolve his class. Ridiculous! Way too risky just for a small chance to take out 2 people. And his joke about being the BD king was a stupid attempt to make people laugh it off. Nice slip in actually specifying BD instead of just saying he was the wolf king or something like that.

And PK was also attempting to get people to go along with the idea of letting Insanity self-resolve. Highly suspicious. And strange since he was next in line for lynching.

So now that BD has been flushed out, we need to see who the 3 HoB might be. I noticed that 3 of the people high on my wolf list were among those going after PK: Gorta, Moleland, and Sulit. I want to take a closer look at them.

Heh. Yeah, this was worth the betrayal alright.

You claim that kill, Wazza?

Also lol that’s why Insanity didn’t self prez

Marshal down tho, but we got Heroine out… that’s out actually pretty good

Well damn
Goddamnit Zone

okay nice we have a throwing duke who’s now known to everyone

wait, didn’t that just flip?

Its just visionary left

It gets replaced like assassin

Right so if we get Vision dude today, BD out and we kinda do the winning afterwards!

our strongest pr killed our second strongest pr because of some weird grudge
why did i join this game



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FWIW I already stated in my FIRST post that I will be wasting this game.

Had PKR not said about me being the Duke, then I would’ve been content with shifting the blame onto someone else while keeping things secret. Too bad he didn’t do that.