[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…actually, speaking of Seth: @Wazza, what is your read on Surge?

Their best move is to kill or convert one of the three of us really, mostly me or Alice. As for you, there’s too much controversy surrounding you to make you that good of a kill or convert if you are town.

Alice is town. I’m positive of it.

You are just looking for ways for Alice to be scum now. Would D1 have gone on like it did if Alice was the visionary? Nope/. Not in a million years. She was pushed by the yeeted Princess for goodness’s sake!. It’s far more likely for you to be scum than it is for her to be scum.

What scum would try pushing for Alice to be lynchjed when she’s literally their teammate? That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

That’s not a good idea.

Again no. I can’t explain why, but that’s a terrible idea to block Alice from being able to act tonight. It’s connected to what went on in the allies chat last night.

Also, Gorta’s fearrmongering and insistence on Alice having a possibility of being visionary isn’t something I can see coming from a villager since it seems designed to make people needlessly suspicious of Alice. So I think I’ll park my vote here. /vote Gorta @Amelia

If he’s a villager, I have no idea what he’s up to and my vote will be on him until I find someone wolfier than he is.


This was talking mechanically. Socially I TR her. Also this statement was debunked later anyways.

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal exactly why it’s a bad idea to stop Alice from acting tonight and just went on in the allies chat N1, but for now, you’ll just need to trust me Zone.

okay fuck it, massclaim day
i’m the Stalker, and wazza did not visit PK last night
they visited leafia (for whatever reason, might’ve been trying to prepare an investigative claim or something?)
i asked hosts who arbiter/visionary would appear to visit and they said it’d be the fake targets
i’m not entirely sure what wazza was thinking but they could be visionary pulling a last ditch effort to get one convert off
wazza bad
/vote wazza

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Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia clonedcheese 1/12
clonedcheese Vulgard, ash4fun, Wazza, ATNoName, Alice 5/12
Alice SirDerpsALot 1/12
Soulshade55r Surge 1/12
an_gorta_pratai Leafia 1/12
Wazza Italy 1/12

Wait. If this is true, how is Wazza still alive?

arbiter and visionary are death immune

Ah. That explains it.

Ok I lied about dipping. Its more like I stop paying attention to this thread and start looking through every 15 minutes. Also, Visionary ain’t DI, so Wazza can only be Arbiter and his Champion uses 2f1.

So Italy is in a thunderdome with Whysper now because if Whysper is telling the truth, Wazza was forced to target PK. Please correct me if I’m wrong people.

wazza can still be arbiter

Whether Whysper lied or not, its clear Wazza faked the visits

although whysper can’t be ruled out

wazza did claim he was targeting PK anyways

Nope. This is a lie / wrong.
Check OP for confirmation:

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wouldn’t they be forced with the actual visit but still being seen visiting the fake target?

fake targets override real targets for arbiter

I’m not sure how it works actually.

If Wazza was Visionary, he would’ve died.