[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

pushing wazza was rushed because i realized the BD’s target didn’t drop dead
but now that i give it consideration he still claims to have redirected PK to himself so i get to say i’m still in the right here

Oh right Call to arms. that BD for some reason didn’t use

…it is saddening when the one who was stupid (i.e. @Leafia) had more insight that you.

Redirected w. redirection-immunity-piercing ability.

So does anyone Claim last Unique Role like Me and PKR

If not, I’ll consider it to be in Scum.

Don’t claim the role just claim if you have the passive me and PKR have.


while glare does nothing, PK shouldve attacked Wazza from OoE bypassing Heroine’s immunity


a) how does italy know cent was killed by BD
b) if cent was killed by HoB, why does that mean italy is a wolf?

ftr the last prestige shouldnt claim

Why not?

TBE asked a very valid question
why wouldn’t they try to CtA when they were in a bad spot with one of their members already on the chopping block

PK got redirected as Whysper claims and thats how PK died to a public eye

i tricked insanity into thinking i was saint concerned about the gamestate because it’d be bad for both scumteams if bd got wiped early on

So your claimed Duke Correct?

Italy claims that, so unless Whysper + Wazza are scum, then Insanity predicted HoB’s kill.

…Occam’s Razor says: Italy is lying.

Sure, but how do you explain Wazza’s instant reaction at PK’s death and him surviving Alice’s attack, and his reaction against Alice?

All that… against someone who “only fakeclaimed Stalker”?

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You said something about Kidnapping Alice so I’m assuming your Duke.

italy is self confirmable
whysper isn’t

He murdered PKR who left logs saying he was jailed. Isn’t that enough evidence of Zone being duke

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Never said Zone wasn’t Duke?
I just asked if that’s what he is.

Which is good. Now he can only be a convert.
I’d suggest all Convert Stoppers go on him.

because if we can keep PRs hidden longer the protectives dont have to split so much

CtA is always done when they can? its enough uses where saving it makes no sense(use it n1 n3 and n5, unless you really need that stronk n7)

but it doesnt make them have unspottable red/occ immunity; i asked this before.


is this really what the thunder dome is on