[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Cloned is the most likely candidate for being the visionary or don’t you want to Alice to be incapable of dying for another night?

if soul flips visipnary
if soul flips HoB, cloned gets occed/redirected and attacked
and because of promotion, it’d be mechanically impossible for cloned to be save as long as nobody manages to somehow fuck up something that simple

He’s the most likely candidate in my eyes unless you have a better candidate.

Soul would never act like this as the visionary. It would be literally gamethrowing.

I’d still just kill Soul at night…

or a really complex WiFoM that you seem to be falling for

it’s not just about lynching the visionary right now
we have the tools to nightkill them
if we kill a HoB, they’d mechanically have nobody to prevent whysper from stopping cheese, or alice from going full stabby mode

Why are you so set on lynching someone that’s obviously not the last BD when Alice can just kill him at night and gain an extra night of immunity?

she’d get an extra night if she killed cloned, too
cherrypick much

He’s also the only person we know is scum here. For 100%

if he’s 100% scum we lynch him
it always creates a lock where visionary dies as long as the PoE is correct

Not if Cloned is somehow Unseen, which isn’t impossible.

By your own reasoning it doesn’t matter who we lynch.

That and what if Cloned isn’t the visionary after all?

by my own reasoning it’s better to lynch soul because there’s clearly no suspicion that cloned will flip HoB

the entire plan banks on it
sometimes you need to break a few eggs

Nope. Not true at all. Because Soul is the only confirmed evil so Alice should kill him tonight. What part of Alice getting an extra night of immunity is good don’t you get?

i really shouldn’t argue with you on this
you can’t see outside your own world and no matter what i say you’ll just make up random excuses to try and prove your point instead of accepting when you’re wrong

nothing about marauder says they lose carnage if they kill an unseen

No it doesn’t. We could easily do the same to Soul that you’re planning on doing to Cloned and Alice would get an extra night of immunity.