[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

You gave reasoning, but never pushed Vulgard

I ā€œpushedā€ in the regard that I voted for them and hoped to draw attention to it, leading to his elimination.

I didnā€™t do a good job due to


not existing

Iā€™ll admit this much. I mustā€™ve misremembered.

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Okay, but wouldnā€™t you try to cast shade on a towny as a wolf? I donā€™t think Vul is a wolf here. I could tell Vul was a wolf in FoL 29 and I just donā€™t see it here. Vul even mentioned leading to a wolf in the latest Vanilla game

Suppertime for me now.

Youā€™re the only one with wolfish agenda here. The only agenda I have is eliminating the BD faction by yeeting you.

Are you claiming to have poisoned Cheese?

Your yeeting the wrong faction then.
Cloned is either Hand or Unseen.
Soul is BD and if you let them live I believe they receive a free convert tonight.

Read up what Mole was saying about Soul.
Soul had 0 Interactions with both members of the BD yet still voted for PK while originally voting PKR who was defending Insanity the other Member of the BD.

We can get Cloned tomorrow.
Iā€™d rather eliminate the last member of the BD (Soul) so we only have to deal with the Hand.

Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™re getting both cloned and soul by tonight.

we yeet one and vig the other.

barring something crazy, neither lives to tomorrow or gets to convert.

Wrong. Cloned is definitely Visionary.

Whatā€™s your point? Cloned is obviously Visionary here. Visionary wouldnā€™t be acting like Soul is acting.

Instead of saying Iā€™m wrong how about looking at their interactions with BD.
Youā€™ll notice that they canā€™t be BD but can easily be Hand.
But also note we want to get rid of BD here which is Soul.

Yes they would!

No. Soul is the one that canā€™t be BD here while Cloned is almost certainly BD. Start actually thinking about what youā€™re pushing and how things could be in these games. The Visionary wouldnā€™t literally want to get yeeted here while a HoB member would if they thought it could save the one he was certain is the Visionary.

No they wouldnā€™t. Bottom line. It would be literally gamethrowing or at least borderline gamethrowing.


ā€œThey protected PKā€ isnā€™t a very good argument
since well
people are wrong
more so in my case

do you have anything else

Stop it. You wonā€™t survive until tomorrow no matter what you do, even if you donā€™t get yeeted today.

I want you to think it through.
Very carefully.
Iā€™m getting tired of this.

do you have any other reason to push me