[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I didn’t, I meant to type I can still kill.

…cant really follow that plan with idiots wanting my neck rn
I hope to at least resolve that i am not the fucking visionary tonight

Fair enough I guess

That’s why Soul is getting the noose today.
If they flip Visionary, then BD is 100% gone.

I can’t really protect you from conversion when town is begging for anyone to render me useless

…oh? Is that so?
Had you not said that then I would’ve changed my mind and imprison you regardless of your choice.
–after all, I don’t trust the King, and there is always Wazza who can kill for you.
…speaking of kills, do you two already have a plan on who kills who?

I personally think that’s the bedt case senario here

However im not willing to believe that soul will just


Imagine how angry PKR would be

Why are we trying to render King useless?


Don’t use Red Tape tonight.

Tbh, it’s kind of pointless to use it. I added it in the HoB setups as the Kings were more stronger while AT is basically a glorified neighbourizer or LW tailor here.

If you don’t want to follow “the idiots’” plan, then do you want to follow my plan?
The plan of the mad megalomaniac, that is?
–in case you do: Target Alice nonetheless, and have Whysper redirect you to Wazza.
Dunno what we can get from redirecting you, but whatever.

We have 14 hours to think of a N2 plan here. If my PoE is correct, we should be saying gg in a few days.

Because he doesn’t OMGUS when attacked, which many people find scummy.

…eh, fine. Whysper, just follow Alice’s plan.

If we do yeet Visionary today, our focus for D3 would be to kill all the starting HoB and focus on the convert last.

Wasn’t there more Visionary PoE people? What happened to all of them?

Alice, did you already consult this with Wazza somehow?

But just make sure to never kill King unless you know all scum are out. Even if he might seem scummy, there’s a chance that he might be town, and if he dies, that gives scum a chance to garuntee that the King will be scum.

I checked the rules.
If we don’t kill Visionary today, we’re seeing 2 conversion attempts N2.
If we get the Visionary, then only 1 person might be converted.

Mole was part of POE, but idk why slowly bussing your starting random would be right if you were scum.

N.1 was, but I forgot why we cleared him (Alice knows)

What is alice’s plan

Yes, I’m obviously not going to mention who they should target as otherwise the random HoB member may counter it.

For you just jail Intensify so we can technically kill him by making them bleed out.