[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

If intensify is really HoB and bleeding, we can attempt to figure out if the surgeon or a HoB healer is the starting random by not jailing him

It was a smart play.
PKR could have been a ML target and I probably would have been on the wagon due to my read on them.

Whatā€™s more to see from him? Heā€™s a confirmed town, and he already agreed on Aliceā€™s plan, so I donā€™t see what else we need from him. --plus, he should be indeed asleep by now.

Confirmed Surgeon would mean that Italy is confirmed Soulcatcherā€¦ wow, apparently I really have to do this if Intensify doesnā€™t die.

I know you donā€™t like my past action. I have no defense for it either.

But that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s a good idea to constantly bring it up over and over again and derail the thread. Like, whereā€™s the point in doing that? What good would you do by constantly bringing that back? Do you think that I would ā€œmagicallyā€ kill have a change of heart and play for the better? Do you hope that I would myself IRL and leave you all alone? Really, what do you even wish to accomplish?

did you read any of what I just said?

No no no, that is antichrist

You know I TRā€™ed you a bit Day 1 but Day 2 your posts donā€™t feel genuine. You couldnā€™t have been converted so I need to figure out if your scum here or Town and Iā€™m just looking at things wrong:

N1 isnā€™t convert night and Ash is def not converted

Sounds good to me.

ā€¦and why are you against it?

Why would HoB bleed their own members with that logic? (And target of the bleed after taking stance of trying to sound logical of Vulā€™s bleed)

nobody can stop me

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Intensify was bled by Surge, not HoB.

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Thereā€™s hint of irony and joke.

Oh. Okay. I am never good at finding softs and sarcasms. Sorry.

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The point of antichrist is the definition of road to hell is paved with good intentions

Huhā€¦ I never heard of that before.

Okay fair enough

Unless Iā€™ve read it incorrectly, BD/HoB canā€™t convert N1.

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OMG I DoNā€™t WaNt Italy To Be CoNfiRmED SOulCaTchER

My post before the one above was literally me saying ā€˜We shouldnā€™t keep talking about thisā€™ but then Zone continued it so of course Iā€™m going to respond.

More the reason to be extra cautious of those who is reluctant to vote obvious scum D1.