[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

That didn’t answer her question really

half the people remaining have like actions that prove them as not bd

i think we can rule out anyone being converted for mechanical purposes

@Vulgard I thought you said this was a balanced set up, but town have more nightkills then scum lmfao.

also i didn’t even go “straight” convert hunting because i started with something completely different so

2 Marauders killed Light/Soul, TBE/Intensify died to bleeds. Where is the Champion kill?

Mole being incarcerated by Magnus makes him a suspect FMPoV.

the arbiter was HHed, remember?
the only faction who could’ve converted last night was BD, who was down to their visionary

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(scumteam isnt made up of the greatest players this game :^)

because of instant promotion, we can completely rule out zone and magnus being converted
it’d be far too obvious
and dead chat is way too hard to fake

actually yeah this is still a fair point
mole could’ve learned about my visitors from a partner

Hmmm, I kind of see what you mean by that.

Idk, town seems stupidly overpowered

/vote Moleland fuck it

Reminder Visionary probably is a poe person because of lolpkattituderegardingthefateofbd

Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
Moleland Alice, Vulgard 2/10
an_gorta_pratai Wazza 1/10
Vulgard SirDerpsALot 1/10

BD didn’t use call to arms on night 1

pk was not confident that visionary would make it
at all

i feel like this post says “i am frustrated that town is doing well”

Sure, eliminate me from the POE.

But I think we should look at n1, who was desperate to not be occupied last night too

Vul can commit die