[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Alright folks. Let the trashtalk about me killing PKR N1 continue. I can sleep this one out, I think.

Don’t you worry, I’m not wasting time on that. Right now I’d prefer Moleland to be pushed here.

nah we’re gonna stand in silence for that disaster of a plan

Funny how you said when Alice called for it at the very beginning of the day

Well it’s more productive than myself being pushed over a misunderstanding over public information no?

btw I called it tmi because I think this whole thing started because you said N’s check was what it should be, not what it was.

It isn’t TMI to use public information from L1ght’s flip.
We’ve already established why N.1 and my result were altered.
This doesn’t need to be hard to understand.

He used the day ability on D2. What more needs to be said here?

big tinfoil: Crich and N.1 BD

I’ll accept this mess is on me.
I was using L1ght’s flip which is PUBLIC information.
Now lets move on please.

Also don’t answer that


Remember the last time you used TMI on me and I was town?

I wondered when gorta will get on

He has admitted to having a horrible sleep schedule.
So :man_shrugging:.

I still have a feeling that Wazza was doing a reaction test on me here.
Lets see if that is the case or not.

i can tell if his pure emotions that he isnt

Perhaps you can enlighten me as to who you’re talking about here.
If you don’t mind.

you and his emotion being wazza

Alright then. So how do you read my interaction with Wazza?