[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Er, then put me in allies with Wazza and Leafia

I donā€™t think you exactly need to be in Allies because I feel like the best move for you tonight is to remove death immunity from N.1

I can do that, but does my thing go first? What do you think N.1 is?

N.1 claimed Handmaiden, while his reaction is real, he dies tonight either way. (Not by my hand)

If you feel like you have a better kill than making sure N.1 dies, you can go for that instead.

I donā€™t exactly believe your claim and you do need to confirm yourself so.

Is N.1 even death immune?

How does making someone who isnā€™t death immune not death immune confirm me to begin with?

That wasnā€™t to confirm you. That was to just make sure N.1 would die.

What Iā€™m saying is that if you feel like itā€™s better that you kill a player instead (From your own suspicions) then you can to try and confirm yourself.

keep italy alive through day 5 at all costs

sorry @Italy
you tried

Which is why I want to be put in allies. I want to be able to discuss my targets and make sure no one else shoots them

I already spoke about my killing PoE for the night. I really doubt weā€™ll hit the same target.

Although, me, Alice and Leafia have to discuss things tonight.

Who is in your PoE right now?

I havenā€™t completed one. The person I would shoot the most would be Whysper

Is it really more important than shooting at 3 potential wolves?

Hmm Whysper is someone Iā€™m thinking might be starting Visionary here.

I think even Alice said that I should be put in allies if I am not mistaken

Iā€™m not sure how pk/tbe congirms anythingā€¦

Supposedly pk is killed by wazza and tbe is bled be either of the scum killers.

Iā€™d go with Pk/light if you want to confirm wazza/whysper.

Nevermind, I must have been mistaken, but I still think it would be more effective to have the people with town KP in allies

Ngl Nā€™s insistance here really feels like antispew to meā€¦

Why do you think that? I have my own reasons, but I am curious as to why you think that.