[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I think once we get all the starting Unseen confirmed mechanically and socially, we’ll have the Visionary by elimination.

That’s a decent thought, but what if it’s someone like Alice who can easily blend in socially and fake towniness

Possible though I think you might want to take a good look at Alice/Insanity interaction D1.
See what you make of it.

I will, but it’s just a thought at the back of my head. Insanity’s d1 tunnel makes no sense if it doesn’t have a purpose.

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Lets run this scenario through where Alice and Insanity are both starting BD.
Would it make sense for Insanity to tunnel Alice, who is a well known strong player and get himself killed as BD D1?
It isn’t impossible though given the position they are in, they aren’t in good shape.

If N.1 doesn’t flip Visionary I know 9 times out of 10 I am tunneled tomorrow, but I know that I am not the visionary. In this situation the Visionary is getting miscleared. @Centuries I think it would be wiser to check me over Whysper. You can confirm that I am a killer and I would be cleared from the Visionary PoE

Alice is bled though, so there is that

I’m technically suspecting you of being the convert because of you straight-to-the bat convert hunting instead of trying to find the starting wolves. I don’t think you’d genuinely hunt for the convert right after it happened over starting scum.

Oh yes, good catch we definitely don’t want to forget that part.

So I’m pretty much dead n4.


It’s logical to assume that Alice can’t be fake bled either because there should be only the Arbiter, Herione, and Visionary alive today. People are still getting miscleared

Ash can time warp you if they’re alive by N4.

Rn we should be trying to jail the convert->Heroine since the Visionary got a convert off last night and jailing them would be pretty much useless. Ash is basically one of the Visionary suspects I have but not exactly someone I think would be converted. Frankly I’d like Vulgard to be jailed.

So I’m thinking who should I follow?
I’m thinking Italy because he’s connected to Centuries and if he dies, then Centuries dies as well.
So assuming the Heroine isn’t jailed and strong mans Italy, then they get caught.
Hopefully town killers don’t kill me.

I still think Vulgard has decent chance of being the convert from his play wrt the RT and Magnus.

Frost still looks to be Unseen from his tunnel on N.

You and Italy are obviously not going to be converted for mech reasons.

Ash being bled will either rule him in as Visionary by his death to bleed or rule him out by transferring the death to someone else.
His slot is resolving one way or the other.

Since Seth didn’t bleed anyone D2 I think we can rule him out alongside Italy/Zone/Frost.

Ash can literally timewarp Alice tonight.

Yes I have a good feeling we’ll deduce who the starting Visionary is by EoD3.

Nope, Mole is always the execution today.

The lack of night kill points to him.
His claim points to him.
His behavior this entire match points to him.
And finally his reaction is clearly of a wolf who gave up.