[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Actually wait.
BD might have 3.

There were 2 bleed claims Yesterday. One from Frost (which was supposed to have been bled by you) and one from Alice. There are no other claims which can bleed other than the Heroine, meaning that someone got converted N2. This means that nobody could have been converted N3.

HoB is already dead. We killed the last HoB (i.e. Mole) Yesterday.

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Ok so 2 BD’s.

They do not. They converted someone N2 and have a 2 night cooldown

No they only have 2 because

2 starting dead
Heroine left
They can’t have converted tonight
Unless they failed first night
but that doesnt change anything number wise

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If Alice’s isn’t dead tomorrow then they are lying about being bled.

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I’d kill it with fire

I suggest we look for Visionary candidates today because it’s not Ash, it’s not me, and it wasn’t N.1.

im fairly sure its just this

BD cannot have 3 members.
They started with 3 members.
We literally executed and killed 2 Heroines (Insanity and PK).
There is at most 1 convert since convert cooldown is 2 nights.
No N1 conversion -> N2 convert at soonest.
In conclusion: 2 BDs at most, which are Visionary and Heroine.

What is Leafia and Derps?

wtf has SDA done also can anyone tell me

bounty role whatever

wait no the other one


alice is bounty i think

I killed Vul last night. Everyone in the allies chat can confirm.

What for though

Was Vul in Allies?

Okay let’s just get Leafia confirmed unseen real quick


ok thanks

I think Vul kill is really dumb but whatever


What is Magnus?