[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

SDA is an absolute moron, that’s why. I can 100% see him not reading whatsoever and just /in’ing. Also, based on the rolelist we’ve been given, neuts do not exist.

Don’t like chloes first posts, their stance on leafia is bad IMO and them “avoiding meta” reads as an excuse to wolf read someone for doing something in their town range

ok but he’s town

I didn’t plan on joining this at first but I wanted it to fill so I didn’t bother reading setup

Too much work

I found the post to be scummy because it simply did not provide anything. “Yada yada lolcat and shit”. I don’t think he ever said anything that went “bro I know that neuts exist”, which means that all of that stuff about “deflecting the acknowledgement” is simply useless and a waste.

Perhaps, but that’s exactly I am not going to read him that way.

No, not perhaps, I have a soulread on him as a fucking idiot


Why are we still talking about me not reading the setup

If you think I’m a wolf I’m sure you can find something actually AI

He just happens to have his occasional genius moment.

I am going to agree to disagree, so please dont waste your energy on your metaread.

My issue is I’m lazy

Usually, I would be satisfied or even joyful by this action. …but after actually reading through everything, and finally catching up to the game, this is rather saddening.


Oh. That was literally my first post. :laughing:

Then, do you have any plans to expand your readlist?


Exactly the reason to Townread him.

Oh trust me, it’s not like you’re not unreasonable.

What does this even mean

It’s just that the way I said.

I am not going to townread someone off of useless drabble. SDA refusing to actually contribute to the games he plays in is NAI. I haven’t seen anything particularly indicative out of him either thusfar. Once I am given something AI, I will start to read him.

How is me not reading the setup not contributing


Light are you a wolf

I couldn’t really think of the right word for it. Uhh… Not… really putting in the effort for things is what I’m trying to say.