[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Because she is claiming to be bled, why should I do that?

If you are real you should have killed me

Instead of speculating whether Alice and me would ā€˜convertā€™ the same. Tell us what I or Alice would convert first and why?

So you are saying me and Whysper is in thunderdome that way?

I canā€™t read your mind nor can I read Aliceā€™s, but I think that list contains most of the people both of yā€™all would convert in. You would have Alice in that pool, but thatā€™s really the only difference in my opinion

I would have killed her as BD, I donā€™t need too strong of town read to have on my side.

If the bleed is real then do you think she lie about her own bleed?

Imagine how epic it would have been to reduce the PoE by one overnight and claim gamer points for it. You could have made it a Alice/Frost PoE if you are actually real and shot me. I think you are the visionary for not shooting either of us. Italyā€™s thing is just the icing on the cake for me

Ah I get what you mean.

I was questioning that, but hereā€™s the deal, Italy has actual stuff against you. Itā€™s not that you are next in line in some PoE, but that the dead actually found a slip in your mask.

Most of my tinfoil around Alice being fake bled involved her missing a convert and fake claiming to be bled to make it seem like she did get a convert (in Visionary!Alice worlds)

Couldnā€™t sleep.and Frost scumslipped big time here so I know where I want my vote. /vote Frostwolf @Amelia

Besides, didnā€™t our leader make that law about Unseen names ending in wolf being illegal? j/k

Now for another try at getting some sleep. Good night again.

iirc it was TBE that caught it so make sure to thank our dead allies

if i gave the wrong person credit then you reserve the right to rant at me in dead chat

The issue is you cant read, it means there is no way knowing what PK is

uh huh

Tell Italy he is idiot village here.

How could PK ā€œmake use of Observerā€™s abilitiesā€ if there is no way of knowing what PK is?

Right, but that was for Visionary Alice, which canā€™t exist if itā€™s you