[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

we don’t need to prove anything to call that TMI
your defense is awful

I correct you:

4 town killers, Duke, marauders, Baronet.

PK claimed obs to me long before you TMI’d him as obs
you fucked up, frost

You will be disappointed on wrong read, I guarantee you that much

it has nothing to do with if we can prove PK to be obs or not
it has to do with the fact that you assumed he was observer with zero evidence while he claimed to be exactly obs in dead chat

So you are saying I used public info?

dead chat ain’t public buddy
it’s for my eyes only

and also the small army of dead bodies

So then I ask you, do you actually think PK want me lynched and let die that way if I am Visionary/convert?

He wouldn’t know when I get converted, so how does that related me being Visionary

Mate, you have refused to answer MY questions and I was going to push you harder anyway, but Italy and the dead being the MVP found everything needed to know. I don’t think my 3:30 AM guess on who you converted with little info will help in the long run here.

actually 3, me,Cents, and Ash (somewhat). The other 2 lost their KP last night

You haven’t solved your slot

@Frostwolf103 I want to see these questions answered when I come back tomorrow

I know my own damn role

because you knew he was obs

you’re either heroine or visionary
and i’m willing to bet visionary

good night fellows

Hooray for confirmation!

So… do you want me to jail Frost?

…oh yeah. I forgot this was a thing. Hey @Alice, who do you think should get day-occ’ed?

Day occ is day ability
Removing uses is night ability

Why the hell would you attack the one who was already dying?

No **** Sherlock. Using Vom Tach doesn’t give you back Vom Tach.
–wait. Occupied? Why would you not use Vom Tach in the first place?

frost did you even read the message i sent you
frost TMIed pk as observer

…what the heck was the point of this quote?

Worst. Defense. Possible.


Okay. Maybe we should reconsider exe’ing gorta after all. This little **** attacked someone who was already supposed to be attacked without Vom Tach, and expects people to ISO and do his job for him? Go to hell with that ****.

@Alice, this is your townread? It’s almost as if Frost wants to become Surge’s disciple by not reading the game at all, if he were a legit town.

Wow. I was joking about you becoming @ChopChop’s disciple, but I guess I was right.

Surge, you did well bleeding Frost Yesterday.