[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


I am looking at you

Care to explain why I am voting BD right now?

You have done just as bad, so everyone is equally at fault here all right?

You mean -I- canā€™t be W/W with you.

ā€˜You have done just as badā€™

what? Iā€™ve killed a BD and a HoB, pushed on a BD, pushed on 2 HoBā€™s and defended a BD.

How have I done bad at all this game? Frankly, Iā€™m proud of this game.

Are you saying you can still attack?

ā€¦nobody could have occupied you that night. You should have gotten a usage of Vom Tach.

Wait, PK claimed Observer in dead chat?

Thatā€™s actuallyā€¦ pretty fucking damning.

Do you still think I am scum? I canā€™t be starting scum if Frost is the starting visionary and I am almost never the convert this game

ā€¦I TRā€™d him for his tunnel on Derps earlier on.

Iā€™ll still let the bleed solve his slot tbh.

So Alice, who do you think Frost had converted?

Ah yes, so me making a small mistake to close our PoE is me being bad

I think youā€™re scum still but I also know you have to be lynched today.

You were given a chance to resolve your slot by yeeting someone and having Whys redirect you.

You didnā€™t do it. It doesnā€™t matter here regardless if youā€™re lying or if you actually forgot it, we have no way on making sure youā€™re an actual Arbalist or not except flipping you now.

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See my convert PoE.

Itā€™s probably in Whys/Magnus/Leafia/Derps.

Problem regarding finding the convert is that half of the PoE isnā€™t even playing the damn game so itā€™ll be a crapshoot to find it.

I know I have been lazy on the first few days, but I can guarantee you that I canā€™t be scum with Frost, so GTH is it me or Frost?

I can make a shot tonight, as if we execute frost the current heroine becomes the visionary and canā€™t kill. If there is no kill from me tomorrow then you know I am fake

I honestly want to shoot Whsyper and Whysper can redirect me into Leafia. That would confirm 2/4 of your convert pool everytime

If you are expecting Derps to be converted, Frost did say something about Derps doing nothing before Derps responded with N.1 occ. Coincidentally, we are missing a BD nightkill right?


When exactly has Frost TMIā€™d PK?

You could have made a shot n1.

You could have shot not the one whoā€™d be shot by the outed Marauders n2.

You could have not forgotten your shot n3.

Thereā€™s literally no reason to continue this shit further.

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Iā€™m aware you two canā€™t be scum together. But that doesnā€™t change the fact we must kill you since the other 2 self-resolve.

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I have a plan here. I can self resolve tonight and confirm one of Leafia/Whysper. I shoot Whysper and Whysper redirects me into Leafia. If we execute the Visionary in Frost and there is no kill then I am fake, if Wyspher dies then they are fake, and if Leafia dies then me and Whysper are confirmed. Give me this one last chance

d3 by saying this:

Frost admits that no one that is unseen would know this, yet says this.

Frost is the starting Visionary and I canā€™t be scum with Frost, so you are barking up the wrong tree