[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Updated chart

Player Night action Resolved (gorta visionary) Resolved (gorta Unseen) Notes
ATNoName protect italy
ash4fun Delay bleed on alice
Centuries shoot magnus
Zone_Q11 Jail Leafia
Surge spikes
Wazza vanilla
Italy collectsoul frost
Alice gossip surge
SirDerpsalot occupy surge confirmed by alice confirmed by alice N5 jail, D6 yeet if alice dies
Whysper redirect italy to surge confirmed by Italy confirmed by italy N5 jail, D6 yeet if italy dies
Leafia vanilla D5 yeet D5 yeet
Magnus incarcerate cent occs/shot by cent occs/shot by cent
Frostwolf103 vanilla bleeds bleeds
an_gorta_pratai Yote yote yote

Alternatively, if zone wants to jail frost, we can have italy collectsoul magnus, and cent shoots magnus without magnis incarcerating.

itā€™d be better for me to get redirected from someone we know wonā€™t die into a person who will die

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Nah. Iā€™m good jailing Leafia.


You get notified whenever your get a soul?


iā€™m informed when i gain or lose souls
would be kinda pesky to keep track otherwise

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Okay, great.

we can have you target surge/me/anyone and get redirected to frost.

I would like @Alice and @Wazza 's opinion on this chart before we commit to anything ofc.

wtf is this night action.

italy is notified when they get souls.

if italy is redirected, it affects whether they get a soul.

So we use that to confirm whysper

Although I think weā€™re doing it the other way around, where italy starts on surge and gets redirected to frost.

That way theyā€™re more likely to get a soul to keep cent alive.

You do have a point there so you being the convert is pretty unlikely.

I actually agree with Gorta here and he can prove himself tonight by shooting someone. I donā€™t think Gorta has even the slightest possibility of being the convert.

Gorta is never scum here. Trust me on this.

We need to give him another chance to prove himself tonight. If we lynch Frost and thereā€™s a kill tonight, and itā€™s the ine we told Gorta to do, heā€™ll be proven not the convert.

Hard vetoing this since I no longer have immunity.

Youā€™re a more likely convert than I am right now. Iā€™m a hard busser as scum. If Gorta was the Visionary and me the convert, Iā€™d be hard bussing him right now. I wouldnā€™t be defending him and Frost is confirmed to be the Visionary right now.

And the Visionary couldnā€™t have told him why?

Hmmm, maybe youā€™re right. /vote Gorta @Amelia Not because Iā€™m convinced heā€™s scum but because his plan would kill me if heā€™s town and I kinda want to live and itā€™s possible that heā€™s scum. Besides, Frost bleeds out tonight so tomorrow itā€™ll just be the convert left. [quote=ā€œFrostwolf103, post:8867, topic:83266ā€]

Hoo, that is nice deduction

Iā€™m known as a hard busser. I never defend fellow wolves when theyā€™re in this much trouble. Iā€™m convinced now. The world we live in has Frost as the Visionary and Whysper as the convert. Itā€™s the only possible world.[quote=ā€œWazza, post:8898, topic:83266ā€]

Because youā€™re the best kill! Not even for scummy reasons, you literally give us a pile of information that itā€™s stupid to even suggest another kill.

Yeah. I see it now. Itā€™s best to resolve Gortaā€™s slot before we do anything else even if I do feel a bit sorry for him.[quote=ā€œWazza, post:8902, topic:83266, full:trueā€]
@ATNoName Allies Tonight:
Italy, Myself, Centuries

Iā€™m including myself because Iā€™m the one with the plan for tonight. Leafia isnā€™t included due to losing KP and as much as I would like to discuss with them, I need to talk with Italy and Centuries.

You lost kill power too. So why include yourself? What if I had a plan? Not saying that I necessarily disagree with those Allies though. Italy should definitely be in it. Possibly Centuries too.

You killing CRich is the biggest reason that I suspect you of being the convert. That and youā€™ve been super LAMIST as well. I donā€™t think you should be in Allies chat. Zone or Magnus would be good in my opinion.

Youā€™re bleeding. Scum never attack you tonight over someone else.

No. Just no.

Unless the starting BD told him what PK was.

No. If they do attack you, theyā€™re legitimately stupid. Youā€™re the worst possible person for them to try to kill tonight. Killing you tonight would actually screw them over.

Is everyone on drugs now with thinking Iā€™m the convert if Gorta is the Visionary? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m starting to think.

Something this dumb can literally only come from scum.

Thereā€™s more possibilities than just me.

I donā€™t mind being jailed tonight though.

Current VC

Voted Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai Frostwolf103, Alice, Wazza, Whysper, Zone_Q11, Leafia 6/8

Thatā€™sā€¦actually a good point.

I have a plan that should help us out a lot.

You didnā€™t have any problems with me killing CRich, donā€™t try and say that.

Also, donā€™t ignore the fact that if I was converted, the Visionary would be dead right now.

Welp now we wait for Alice to decide.

With your idiot thinking of scum killing you being a good idea for them, I have my doubts. I want to hear this plan too to make sure itā€™s a good one.

However, you canā€™t hear my plan. And Iā€™m aware that Iā€™ll die tonight so I will be sharing my logs with the allies chat.

Iā€™m fine with it.

I just asked the host something that I was wondering.

Alright, now we wait for Magnus to confirm that he has dayocced Frost.