[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I close POE by getting RBd

It’s literally the same except I don’t die if I shoot town?

What’s the difference between me shooting Magnus and getting RB’d

and me shooting magnus without getting rbd

I’m not taking my chance on like a Leafia or Whysper convert world

Do I need to remind you I have guilt?

That’s not closing PoE, that’s just you being a moron.

And what do we do if you get occupied while we find a perfect shot during Allies?

Oh great, but you’re the only shot at the moment


We can yeet that slot?

Scum cannot roleblock me

If I just say out loud that I’m shooting X, X if scum cannot roleblock me, only Town!X can

Like you’re being toxic over nothing and you’re like so in the wrong right there idgi

Why does everyone keep suspecting me as the convert?

If I was converted N3, the Visionary would be dead.

Not if you’re occupied by Magnus.

Your plan works and I’m aware it does, but clearing an inactive slot who might not even listen to the plan we have doesn’t seem right. Magnus would never be the convert here because he’s more inactive than Gorta.

You say it in allies chat, clearly.


It’s not like you finding the convert tonight without me being able to shoot it changes anything

Just do it during the day? It changes nothing if we kill it at night or during the day

He’s the only slot I can clear and no one else can, we can just yeet Leafia and Whysper / occ them, Magnus can get confirmed with me being alive, scum has to kill Italy if Magnus is real

Or finding the last Visionary.

I’m clearing Magnus so we know it’s in Whysper/Leafia if we haven’t won at SoD tomorrow

Your plan of me shooting is just the same as mine except I die??

Huh? There is world of difference?

I have a 33% chance to find scum if I just shoot in between the 3

I have a 100% chance to get 100% correctly Magnus’ alignment if I shoot him

What’s the point in killing it during the day when we can use the day instead to focus on closing our PoE even more?

Fine, do what you want.

@ATNoName Cancel the allies with Centuries. My plan is pointless without him either way so you can decide whether you feel like removing me is a good call also. However, I would like to be involved (Mainly to talk to Italy).

1 of them dies.

2 of them dies at night.

Our Visionary PoE is completely closed anyway.

I want in Allies to see if Italy is bullshitting his dead interaction
