[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Doing what?

The man asked a question and you are already trying sway him.

Iā€™m not trying to sway him.

Press X to doubt

Iā€™m also convinced now that we have an evil king.

Asking someone what they think isnā€™t the same as trying to sway them.

I donā€™t know, but a good town would let him answer instead of making a comment like that.

@Wazza Did I answer all your questions? I do want to make sure I got them among all the other comments.

He canā€™t answer if a question is never asked.

I do like how this game shows it is clearly easy for me to misread people. Very enlightening. I plan to continuing playing even if town loses here.

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Good to hear. FM games are fun regardless of whether you win or lose.

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I think it is very educational. In real life, you can think you have someone pegged, but you canā€™t usually verify your read on them. But in this game, you get that chance to make reads and then find out if you were correct.

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Yup. Thatā€™s a good way of viewing it too.

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I just realized when I suggested the plan of having Leafia vote Surge, why did Alice just straight up vote Surge to deny it?

wait why did I even bring it up? that was why I was tunneling you.

I honestly donā€™t know. Itā€™s strange in all worlds. In a scum!Alice world it makes next to no sense admittedly.

whatever, /vote Surge

I just had a scary thought. Could we be looking at a Whysper/Surge world?

nope, Alice openwolfed.

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Letā€™s let Zone confirm that heā€™s jailing Whysper or Alice first.