[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Night skips still exist you know

I don’t have all the votes though

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The night has been skipped! Processing actions now…

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And so, in their time of need, the knights of the Blue Dragon prevailed over the forces of the Unseen, taking back the castle. The people rejoiced as a righteous leader returned to the realm.
Their losses may have been great, but their determination and commitment to their cause never faltered, even in the face of numerous challenges.

“The end.”
“Wait, how did the heroes win?”
“They won due to the overconfidence of the Unseen, and a little help from nature. Let this be a lesson to you, John. The trees, they may never be your ally.” The man reading the book aloud gave a wry smirk.

Wazza was killed during the night! He was…

The Marauder

Unseen Killer
Carnage (Passive) - If you are attacked during the first two nights, you will be immune and will counterattack instead of dying.
Aura of Dread (Passive) - For every successful kill, you will gain an additional night of Carnage.
Boastful Rampage (Night) - Attacks and kills a player. If the target was Unseen-aligned, then you will lose your night abilities and they will be shown as Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium to faction checks. - Infinite uses
Glare (Night) - Redirects the target’s night action to yourself. Redirects past the second night will trigger Carnage. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.

Zone was killed during the night! He was…

The Duke :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - Immune to being occupied and redirected at night.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Kidnap (Day) - Choose a player to kidnap at night, This occupies them while bypassing occupation immunity and preventing all visits to targeted player. You and them may also exchange up to two 1000 character messages. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the kidnapped player bypassing any and all immunites as the most powerful form of night attack in the game. If you kill a member of the Unseen with this ability, you will lose all uses of it. - 3 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.

ATNoName was killed during the night! He was…

The Corrupted King :shield: :fire:

Unseen Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason, all players will lose their Royal Blood passive. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. This ability can only used during the first half (24 hours) of each day. Cannot target yourself. - 2 uses
Royal Allies (Day) - Choose up to three players. Tonight, they will share a night chat with you. Infinite uses
Royal Guard (Night) - Sends a guard to a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Royal Advisers (Night) - Sends an adviser to a player. They will be immune to conversions for the night. - 3 uses
Permanent Scheme (Night) - Target player will be immune to conversion for the rest of the game - One use (Starting King Only)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.

And with that, the Blue Dragon wins!


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Thank god this is finally over.

Welp dang.

Most torches had burned out by the time twilight covered Adiart like a blanket, casting long, undulating shadows on the walls.
Gorta was brought before the King by royal guards, hauled on his knees in front of the gilded throne.

“Confess.” King ATNoName’s voice boomed, as his eyes locked with Gorta’s. “If you do, we will make your execution quick and painless.”
“Believe me, I am innocent!” Gorta pleaded, wrapping his hands around himself “It’s the trees, the trees have done everything.”
A few murmurs were heard among other members of the court as ATNoName scoffed.
“The trees? Enough with your jokes boy, I am giving you once last chance.”
“You have to trust me,” Gorta lowered his voice to a whisper, eyes darting across the spacious courtroom. “It’s the damn trees, they made me do it, they are–”

“There are no trees around Adiart.” Wazza huffed, turning away from Gorta. “Everyone knows that.”
“This is true, there are no trees in this castle.” Alice stated calmly.
“The trees don’t exist, Gorta.” Whysper giggled, wrapping a piece of red tape around her finger.
“If you keep up these tree jokes I’ll personally execute you.” Zone interjected, tracing the edge of his massive axe.
The only thing Gorta could muster was a quiet “What…” as a circle of people gathered around him, even King joining to stand in it.

“There are no trees.” They chanted, eyes piercing his small form, pupils glazed and dilated. “There are no trees in castle Adiart.”

The chanting grew louder, almost deafening – just like the sound of that infernal bell chiming deep into the night. The crowd’s voices soon turned into one, distorted reverberation:
“There are no trees, no trees, no trees, no trees, no trees, no trees…”
Gorta gasped as he clutched his head, pressing his whole body into the marble stone beneath him, listening, in horror, as a faint voice – no louder than the quietest whisper – came beneath it:
“Don’t be silly, Gorta. The trees don’t exist.”
That was when he momentarily looked up and saw no court members – merely a circle of trees growing all around him. They reached out for him, scratching his back with their sharp branches until he felt a rush of hot liquid rain down his sides: blood…
He blacked out at that, unable to bear the absurdity of it all.

With a crash of thunder, Gorta found himself standing in the middle of a dark forest – Adiart’s luminous windows glowing like tiniest sparks on the horizon. What was he doing here, out in the pouring rain? He shivered, his garb completely soaked – he must’ve… dozed off. That’s right.

“Gorta…” A quiet moan came somewhere from behind and he spun around, eyes widening in fear.
The black, gnarled trees of the forest surrounded him, stepping closer with each moment, reaching out their barren branches at him, scratching at him with their sticks.
It was the last thing he remembered as he fell unconscious one final time.


BD wouldn’t have won without triple gamethrow from town.

This game existed

For sure

Why wasn’t the openwolf killed?


Its more I wanted to yeet the convert which was Leafia


You uh

Did have a confirm on whysper

he addressed it

no it doesn’t
i’m wiping this game from my memory and you should wipe it from history
this was more of a disaster than SF5

I didn’t keep up with this game…

Was this worse than FoL29?


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unfortunately, I couldn’t convince the whole court even when I showed all the scumslips Leafia has done.

Alice bussed Insanity right?

Alice bussed all 6 starting scum