[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Step 1. Openwolf
Step 2. Bus self
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Win game


Was Surge the suspected convertā€¦?

You still had one openwolfing scum and one scum who slipped hard

I donā€™t think magnus would have saved you

who would convert seth

This. If thereā€™s an openwolf, ignore everything else and kill them.


Leafia was converted right?

You know leafia got converted so like its possible

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Yeah town almost lost in FoL27 for the same reason lol

Especially since there was no other way to deal with the openwolf, thereā€™s no reason why you donā€™t kill them on the spot!

idk was there any mech plan to kill Alice?

The final bit of flavor was nice btw.

Itā€™s a Geyde special

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They literally had no idea how to get rid of me.

Literally all of the vigs misfired


except gorta

And so, in their time of need, the knights of the Blue Dragon prevailed over the forces of the Unseen, taking back the castle. The people rejoiced as a righteous leader returned to the realm.
Their losses may have been great, but their determination and commitment to their cause never faltered, even in the face of numerous challenges.

ā€œThe end.ā€
ā€œWait, how did the heroes win?ā€
ā€œThey won due to the overconfidence of the Unseen, and a little help from nature. Let this be a lesson to you, John. The trees, they may never be your ally.ā€ The man reading the book aloud gave a wry smirk.

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cause no one learned from fol 23

oh wait you posted it

Wazza did well until I started powerwolfing, tho.

ignore that

my suggestion was to just execute alice but wazza insisted a super complex plan instead