[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

in all seriousness you’re right that insurgency is a lot more complex than syndicate 2 @DatBird

but like

insurgency was something i had a passion for ever since i conceived the idea last november, long before my depression began

after may-june, my mental health’s never going back to that level of positivity

i missed the rest of the postgame
im suprised we won

when will the scumchat be posted REEE

oh im nto saying u should run sfol 65, i get that, but insurgency was a mess with rng

I could maybe run SFoL 65 :wowee:

although obviously I would need a cohost and I’d want to … actually look at the rolecards … to make sure there’s not anything Marauder levels of broken

did someone say, cohost


could always add u to the review chat, lmk

Is there any spec chat :eyes:

Nevermind, found it.

dont worry warrior was nerfed

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no, i pinged you in some random thread tho

hey amelia
remove my dead role in scumchat >:(

i have too many demands

Oh well, feeling somewhat useless in this game.

You guys wanna hear something funny

I’m 1/14 :upside_down_face:

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When is the dead chat and scum chat going to be made public? I’d ;like to be added to the deadchat. Could allies for every night be made public too? @Amelia

dead chat is public. Allies usualluy dont get publicized but if amelia really wants to i can. And tbh i dont think either scumcord has been sent

Could I have a link to the deadchat?

Ah right scoomchats

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