[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


i think it worked like that but im not sure

marauder was a mistake

Idk how knight is now in FOL but it used to just Coldsteel and suicide if wrong.

And that got 2 kills in Triple threat 3 I think?

why did this open jester-free setup have a secret Jester

Point is, Town killers should be using instant kill abilities as “Die, I think you are scum” not " Die, you aren’t confirmed"

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And if they do the latter over the former, they should be heavily penalised for it

I just checked

there… was

why??? who’s idea was this??? why does this exist

Wait what are you talking about?

it was an open setup

1 doctor
2 goons for each faction

and then just a bastard jester in the mix that wasn’t announced

social deduction is my passion

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fire mafia ice mafia 9 vts

that’s the default

welcome to the dark age of forum of lies


there might be a town doctor now that i think about it

Almost as funny as secret in game faction that stomped the game

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Yeah, I see now this was a big mistake. The problem was that I didn’t realize right away that an EK doesn’t know who his team members are, so I assumed he’d know who to target and could also coordinate with his team, making those powers more useful. I finally realized D2 or so that an EK is on his own, which must be such a difficult role to play! :smile:

It’s not that bad, you are basically leading suspicion away from those you think are your team and they do the rest of the work. Some of the things you can do as the EK are spread agenda in such a way that you clear your suspected team, make town leaders think you have someone SF’d and when said person gets converted say you SF’d them (so they don’t get suspicion towards them), and spread chaos. A good evil king spreads chaos in such a way they don’t get suspected as the EK

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If you want to play as EK, ideally you want the town to be oblivious as to your true alignment while your scum partners are clued into who you really are.

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The Whispers of the Day

Whispers whispers whispers the delightful sound.

Eruption to my ears make it feel intense.

Run away or stay, it’s up to you.

Intensity rises and so do we

Not to mention scums defeat.

Town will succeed today

Oh how I can’t wait to see it

Whispers getting even louder

Not to worry, we are doing just fine.

Conceal yourself and never give up

Or we might meet the end

Eventually I think it’ll be just fine!


I cannot believe he actually deadass wrote this holy shit


Even “We r in towncore” aside, how would anyone overlook this



clearly nobody read the poem because it was dumb

the poem just happened to be blatant signalling which wasn’t caught until a “sub in” :joy_cat:

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