There might be a scum role that has Immunity to that.
Idk I only checked to see if there were any that could frame Day Investigation abilities and there isn’t.
I kinda want to just believe that Seth is just TWTBAW.
A scum role with “Immune to the Poacher’s revenge kill”.
Seth. You literally cannot even think that exists >.>
I want to believe this but Seth really just never fails to depress me.
I am still seeing this as insurgency Seth.
You think I’m the other scum faction? Is that it? lol.
Also let’s also assume Insanity is your scum buddy.
Now let’s rephase what you said here and make sure to make it Poacher this time.
Seth, just please, stop interacting with me.
We get it, you missed a very obvious reaction test and you are mad at yourself.
Going at me like this is not improving anything for anyone.
There might be a scum role that has Immunity to that.
Im asking whether scum venge exists
A scum role with “Immune to the Poacher’s revenge kill”.
Seth. You literally cannot even think that exists >.>
Something like
“Immune to all Kills until night 2” can exist.
You know what I fuckin mean PKR stop acting stupid.
A scum role with “Immune to the Poacher’s revenge kill”.
I can say positivity there ways to bypass poacher revenge kill; it doesnt bypass healing
and now I have deja vu and will be corrected
I think ik coming away with pkr/seth tvt
Pkr town because lolhunter
Seth town because lolseth
bypass poacher revenge kill;
wait no
this is meant for Poacher’s night ability
nothing can bypass day kill(on d1)
I agree
You cannot heal a day kill.
It is god damn RETRIBUTION ability.
Well, he is dragging attention to himself if he really were a scum who responded to RT wrongly, which normally the scum would try to just stay quiet for the time being (ofc not knowing Seth’s meta)
Seth is the poacher
Seth, just please, stop interacting with me.
We get it, you missed a very obvious reaction test and you are mad at yourself.
Going at me like this is not improving anything for anyone.
I didn’t miss shit and I’m more mad at you if your scum here.
But I’m going to hope your scum and sure we can stop interacting and once Insanity flips Scum I’m poisoning you the next day.
Sound Good?
If your Town here*
If you want to kill a town member then go for it Seth.
Would not be your first nor last time.
Is this what it was like for town in Joat2 with callmelo?