[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Hey. Who should Magnus jail tonight?

Yes, when I attacked Soulshade, assuming I successfully attacked Soul then I get 1 use of Vom Tach

I am more pissed why I didn’t get 1 from N.1 and I am actually not immune to occupy and redirection, using Mittelhau I am immune to all redirected attacks.

If everyone is so damn set on executing one of the last few functioning town vigs then go right ahead, but at least wait out the 48 hour day so we can find the convert and win this game even if people are denser than a log here. I don’t want peoples tunnel vision to lose us this game

Sob story I am sure

uhhhh, jail someone occ immune and town

tl;dr - mechanically everyone except you/Frost/Whysper are cleared from being the Visionary, and I’m townreading Whysper and Frost has been more villagery than you.

Whysper is new to FoL and would probably not claim something as convulted as OoE’ing PK, plus PK targeting Wazza confirms that his redirection immunity was bypassed as no wolf would kill Wazza n1.

Frost has just been more villagery than you here actually chasing his wolfreads and whatnot.

So in short, you’re the most likely person to be the Visionary. It’s literally what a PoE is. “I didn’t do anything wolfy” is not a defense when everyone else is mech-cleared or has been more villagery than you.

And before you claimed to be convert hunting. Again, you have not been wolfhunting this match, just trying to save your own hide.

Because your kill last night confirms you? Oh wait.

Your entire argument here is that you forgot to vig someone last night, so you’ll need us to let you live into a convert night while letting you action and potentially netting you another convert.

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There is no way I know TBE is Alcoholic that have happy hour’d Soul

Whysper fits the bill. Not that sure about Derps rn as he’s still in my convert pool.

Give specifics.

I do not rescind my claim, but if people want to be so dense and tunnel me I give up. I honestly should stop trying at this point.

HEY! Wait a minute! before the PoE was me/Frost/you with Whysper being clear of not being the Visionary and how has the one who slipped up by saying what Italy actually was more towny than me?

have the one who can’t occupy occupy immune people occupy me and let Cents commit suicide doing what I could do without suicide from guilt

Btw Alice, N5 is the convert night, not N4, not only would gorta have to convince town that he needs to live for 1 night, he need to do it for 2 whole nights

Hoo, that is nice deduction

Whysper is off the PoE not because of mechanical reasons, but because I highly doubt that they will attempt or even pull off a gambit like claiming OoE on PK/Wazza to clear themselves as they’re now.

Again, so was Vulgard off the Visionary PoE not for mech reasons, but because it was obvious that he’d never bus both of his wolfbuddies after being bled like that.

Frost slipped d3. As in that can also make him a convert.

I’m p sure that my bleed confirms that they converted n2.

They converted N2, but convert is a two night cooldown which means they can’t convert N3 and N4

Doesn’t the cooldown go-

N2 Convert
N3 Cooldown Period
N4 Conversion opens again?

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Bigthonk, it’s Leafia/Gorta.

That bleed is the only thing keeping me from honestly believing that Alice isn’t the convert

So you put them in the Visionary PoE, when it’s not even possible for them to be the Visionary?

thats the case if its 1 night cooldown. Also Alice, we discussed this with Leafia in Allies.

I’m going to tell right here that it is not the reason Leafia is acting that way.

N1 - No Convert
N2 - Convert
N3 - Cooldown
N4 - Cooldown
N5 - Convert