[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Fine Alice please explain.

I think he’s probably just the convert here.

The convert can still read what the other wolves said so PK was probably talking about following someone in BD chat and Frost caught that when he was converted, which fits in the timeframe as Italy said he TMI’d PK’s original role D3.

Basically what I said above.

Frost/Gorta being the BD team here also fits here being that neither of them have a confirmed kill.

oh god that sounds ridiculous. PK was dead when convert happens

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Have ever rolled wolf on a FoL before? Converts get full access to wolfchat.

D1: Missgunst (no gain)
N1: No Action
D2: No Action
N2: Mittelhau Ash
D3: Missgunst
N3: Mittelhau N.1
D4: N/A
(If I die but not removed from logs then this means Call of Arms isn’t used and it’s direct attack against me, it cannot be from redirected attacks since I am immune to all sorts of redirected attacks)

The only update is from my actions

you ever* EBWOP.

I know converts do, but why would we bring anything up about PK D3 when our main focus was Mole and Possible BD.

And no I updated on the post but not my dm.

My point is still clear.

Because PK confessed to be an Observer and Frost somehow knew about it despite that no Unseen but Italy should have known that?

Hello Alice, read up back and I explained the thoughts behind

Evaluating you is pointless. You’re bleeding to death overnight as ash always saves a lock Unseen here.


It should’ve been pointless since PK was the starting random and therefore is probably claiming within his role which was nightwatch.

And somehow Frost knew about PK’s slot.

Oh. Oh.

I am discarded already and you didn’t bother to read and leave it out of context?

Goddamn it Alice, what are you doing.

But why should he bother bringing PK’s role up as a convert?

starter scum but I get your point