[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

“Oh hey let’s pardon the confirmed Scum to kill the fucking Neut that sounds like a great idea”

You say this yet you were one of the people advocating for King’s death

Town kp is how we progress the game, obv there is chance of hitting our own but thats how the game works.

they can claim if they get tons of votes

You’re all ridiculous if you pardon GGhana.

Think things through.

King’s death benefits me, like I’ve said. I do not care what you think based on your perspective, my perspective is a lot different.

Oh hey, let’s put our Duke to suicide.

You confuse me, who are we killing?

we’re still killing the scum via at night and if the duke is converted. Then we know duke is evil with no downsides.

I’m thinking things through just fine thank you

since GGhana is likely convert, i’m ok with parding them if we can convince duke to imprison them, which they hopefully will if theyre paying any sort of attention

Knowing Duke is evil does nothing for us, now does it?

are you mentally insane?

Clearly so.

They could’ve just said it was fps.

God you’ve all lost your minds wanting to pardon the confirmed player.

Wazza is just getting more and more aggressive and that’s interesting

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Then I don’t care about your perspective.

But then we hit a problem, two people can’t cooperate because they can’t get over their damn perspectives in a game of cooperation.

You’re not helping yourself by only thinking about yourself.

I mean you’re literally saying we should abandon practically second lynch cuz it might hit town PR.

@Emilia You’re Scum. Deal with it.

You agreed with me on him pretending to be Fool and now you’re going against that and believing he’s Fool.

You’ve all lost a backbone, clearly.

Why shouldn’t I only think about myself? I’d push anyone in the way of my own survival if needsbe and I’d throw myself in front of a moving train if needsbe.

This is literally a game of cooperation

Um it means that we don’t claim in jail and that they can’t confirm themselves.

Bold of you to assume I ever had one