[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

I think he is NK not fool.

Do you have any other possible player we can hit that isn’t Unseen?

Go on, inform me of your Scumreads.

Better yet, inform me why we don’t just trust a Duke to that, if they are Good of course since we’re leaving them to kill GGhana anyway.

Does that matter to me? No, it doesn’t. My way of co-operating is by controlling the game to a certain degree.

And once again, I’m telling you. GGhana isn’t Fool. Just kill him today, let the Duke deal with gaining information tonight and if he can, kill someone.

Then, walah, end his life now.

Yes I’m also saying this

Bruh moment

or we can pardon this and end Intensify.

Where the hell did this scumread come from

i have never called you town.


And you have never called me scum.

I did.

If duke misexes they lose their KP so they cant just yolo in PoE

Where and why

a while ago before the whole leafia thing.


Oh wait you mean the tmi read?

I guess it’s better than whatever I was before

Calling one of the towniest people scum :joy_cat:

Wazza why are you so against what is practically a second lynch

I mean my wolfread on you D1 was kinda relying on you doing the opposite early game.

Here’s the two options:

Lynch GGhana, have the Duke jail someone else and gain information via talking to them, grant our Duke extra information and hope they aren’t converted as well as hope that the NK/BD/HoB kill hits them or the BD/HoB convert hits them as well if the jailed player is Good or even hope that the NK/BD/HoB Killer is jailed and we’d gain information from a lack of death tonight. Last jailed target with a lack of death has already been cleared up as to not be their fault.
Lynch another player of our choosing, hope they flip BD/HoB/NK if GGhana is not one of which in the first place, kill GGhana at night…then what? Nothing gained from it, we just basically checked if GGhana was a Fool or not.

dude tf you on about you’ve been scumread since day 1 mate, this literally ain’t no surprise, you’re acting scummy af and if we don’t kill GGhana, you’re literally my kill for today as well as ATNoName.

I meant if they wanted too. Killing more Town doesn’t benefit Town, you know.

As I’m saying. I am going for the Duke being able to talk one on one with another player and have the potential to block kills/converts/anything else over them killing GGhana for no reason.

You’re joycatting to a mostly meme post. You’re hilarious. Also, I wouldn’t call Emilia one of the towniest players, trust me.