[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

Broken quote moment

Didnā€™t someone claim telepathied?

GGhana did yes.

But this whole interaction is confusing if Atlas turned out not to be Poacherā€¦ and yep heā€™s Illusionist.

oh that happened? Well, from the looks of it we know Atlas is likely dayocced, but the question is how?

Did everyone miss this interaction???

Also we have no idea what happened.

Maybe Atlas was day occupied?

But then GGhana said he was telepathied later on I thinkā€¦ so maybe GGhana was hiding something or the telepathy was sent early and they planned this entire thing outā€¦ but then why.

wait no

Hopefully the clears up my reasonings for my reads atleast though.

Weā€™ll get to ask GGhana and Atlas in dead chat after this game ends about what really happened, but for now, itā€™s all an one big mystery to the rest of us.

ok so Atlas telepathy likely went through.

Right, but why did Atlas fake slip a TMI post about GGhana bleeding, and then GGhana had a big hissy fit over it?

Itā€™s likely Atlas misread the whole bleed and thought GGhana was bleeding while GGhana was reacting to his telepathy.

Idea was for Atlast to fakeslip different townrole, idk what exactly they wrote though.

also pls vote pardon on this.

Oh yeah right

I guess Iā€™ll do that.


I agree with this. Being able to do VCA depending on GGhanaā€™s flip could provide valuable info.

No its not. He is an openwolf and everyone wants him to die just in different ways.

Knowing what GGhana flips right now to be honest only helps me read Wazzers better.

Theyre gonna flip after night anyway

Go to bed.

Which is why I suggest throwing Ghana to the Duke in case heā€™s Fool

Not the best. My laptop went kaput earlier today when I had downloaded a game from steam on it that I really wanted to play but never got the chance to before it went ka pl ut. Instead of getting it fixed though, I plan to get a new laptop so itā€™s not all bad eleven if Iā€™m still a bit upset about having to wait to play my new game.

At least I still have my phone and FM though.


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