[SFoL] SFoL 67: Last Stand of the Virtuous III - Endgame - The Unseen and The Senex are victorious!

I saw

The point here that Iā€™ve been here since October. :eye:

I might not have the practical experience itself but I think I wouldā€™ve know what goes in theory.

Wazza had answered that question

Uhhh, this

Why do you want me to back off of Wazza?
Slots other than Amelia/ATNo and Wazza havenā€™t stood out to me other than you and Emilia being towny to me

Iā€™ll take a closer look at Wazza for you though

I believe heā€™s referring that you should give your opinion towards others aswell.


The thought is veryā€¦ interesting?

Not sure if thatā€™s the way to put it, but itā€™s a very interesting take on your posts.

Id say itā€™s V indicative, since generally townies take more interesting approaches compared to scum.

I wonder what the NK is

Intensify, if I was rolefishing why would I ask you what happened to you at night and not ask you directly what role you are

The reason why Iā€™m interested in other people who claimed in the actual thread is so I donā€™t miss it, like Ameliaā€™s claim.

Because your logic on Wazza is really bad.

The fact that no other slots have stood out to you is a problem.

And Iā€™m saying this even though Iā€™m also scum leaning you.

The point is, Iā€™m giving you a chance to convince me youā€™re not scum.

Iā€™m not dumb enough to scumlean people and not give a second thought or a chance for them to improve themselves.

You seem kinda hyper posty, so I see good potential in you, problem is, multiple things about you are extremely off, and I do think in the case that you are town, you can prove yourself to me.

So either take this chance to prove yourself to me that you are town if you are, or die.


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Intensify sounds like a mob boss

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Because thereā€™s indirect ways of rolefishing.

Rolefishing isnā€™t just ā€œthis thing and only this thingā€.

You asking if anything happened to me is extremely odd, considering I see no classes that can produce feedback to other players, which means it looked like you were hunting for investigatives.


I give people I scumlean a chance to get themselves out.

Not hearing the voices of others, especially PoE, who have the most interesting takes and reads, isnā€™t a healthy way to play this game.

After all, if PoE Town never get their voices heard, they never escape.

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Yeah itā€™s fine I guess.

I wasnā€™t gonna fall for it.

But still bad, since rolefishing

Everything up to here is fluff. Although this stands out to me since she isnā€™t currently pushing ATNo.

Then more fluff with possible Duke softing since she keeps talking about killing people at night???

She then mentions wanting to skip day but thatā€™s NAI to me

Then she pushes AT again

Then she catches Ghanaā€™s mistake and votes him

Then she goes back to pushing AT

Then she starts pushing on voting execute on Ghana

Then she argues with me about leaving Ghana to Duke (which is why I originally scumread her)

During this time she also defends Gortaā€™s bleed

Then the controversial PoE

Then she pushes Silviu

So I think sheā€™s wolf because of all the fluffposting, changing her mind, caring about Ghana being executed here and now, and making the controversial PoE

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk